Transportul urban alternativ prin intermediul platformelor digitale
Numărul 5 Anul 2021
Starting from the Uber application, published in the USA (in 2010), a new form of work in the field of alternative urban transport has developed in European countries, including our country. The Court of Justice of the European Union (Grand Chamber), in its judgment of 20 December 2017 in Case C-434/15, ruled that an alternative transport intermediary service using a smartphone application must be classified as a ‘transport servic...
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Roboţii şi forţa de muncă
Numărul 4 Anul 2021
Robot work is increasingly present in our lives. The robots were created by man to help him in his professional activity, but also in the household.
Experts say that humanity is currently experiencing a new industrial revolution – the fourth, determined by the expansion of artificial intelligence, indispensable in robotics, but also in other cutting-edge fields, such as the Internet and wireless technology. Thanks to artificial i...
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Soluționarea litigiilor de muncă ale funcționarilor publici (la fond)
Numărul 3 Anul 2021
Civil servants, including those with special status (parliamentary officials, police officers, prison police officers) may be considered dissatisfied with the unilateral acts issued by the public authority/institution in which they are employed. These may concern disciplinary action, civil liability, modification or termination of employment.
In such a case, those concerned have the opportunity to apply to the competent administr...
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Discriminarea la locul de muncă
Numărul 2 Anul 2021
The principle of non-discrimination and equal treatment in the workplace, governed in general by European rules (Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Charter of Fundamental Rights, Directive 2000/78, Directive 2000/43 and Directive 2006/54/CE), is developed by our national law (Government Ordinance no. 137/2000, Law no. 202/2002 and, in particular, Article 5 of the Labor Code).
The latter normative act defines direct...
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Perioada de probă
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
For the purpose of the practical verification, in the workplace, of the employee’s skills, the parties may establish in their contract a trial period of no more than 90 days for operational positions and a maximum of 120 days for management positions.
It follows that the trial period is not mandatory (except for disabled persons, which in this case is the only form of verification of professional skills), it is optional, at the ...
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Confuzii cu repetiţie între concediere şi încetarea contractului individual de muncă în perioada de probă
Numărul 6 Anul 2020
This article is generated by a case decided by the courts specialized in settling employment disputes in Bucharest and by the comments on this topic published in the journal Dreptul no. 10/2020.
It is noted, which is an error, that the courts confused dismissal with the termination of the individual employment contract during the trial period. On the contrary, these are two distinct ways of permanently term...
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Convenția Organizației Internaționale a Muncii nr. 190/2019 privind eliminarea violenței și hărțuirii în lumea muncii
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
On the occasion of the 108th International Labor Conference, held in Geneva, was adopted, by a large majority (439 votes in favor, 7 against and 30 abstentions), Convention no. 190 of June 21, 2019 on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work, to which was added Recommendation no. 206 with a view to guiding the Member States in the application of the Convention.During the debates at the Conference, it was emp...
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Sinteză de practică judiciară privind concedierea întemeiată pe dispoziţiile art. 65 din Codul muncii
Numărul 2 Anul 2020
One of the most frequent dismissal cases encountered in practice is dismissal based on the provisions of art. 65 of the Labor Code.
The courts, faced with the numerous appeals introduced by the dismissed workers, have made important clarifications regarding the meaning of the respective text, namely: what means „dismissal for reasons pertaining to the person of the employee”, the organizational prerogative ...
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Durata redusă a timpului de muncă
Numărul 1 Anul 2020
In accordance with the international and European norms, our legislation regulates, as an exception, the short duration of working time.
Such duration can be directly arranged by the legislature, for example, in the case of young people up to 18 years old or in the case of employees who work under special conditions or left exclusively within the reach of the two parts of the employment relationships (employ...
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Încetarea raporturilor de muncă în cazul pensionării
Numărul 6 Anul 2019
With general character, art. 56 of the Labor Code regulates the termination of the existing individual employment contract in several situations, a printer which includes:
– at the date of cumulative fulfillment of the standard age conditions and the minimum contribution period;
– at the date of communication of the pension decision in the case of the invalidity pension of the th...
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