Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: timp de muncă

Repausul zilnic și repausul săptămânal – forme ale timpului de odihnă
Daily rest and weekly rest are forms of rest time, each with its own physiognomy and purpose. At the same time, they constitute employee/worker rights that must be strictly respected by the employer. The rule is that the daily rest precedes the weekly; the first does not intersect with the second, but they are cumulative as ruled by the Court of Justice of the European Union by the Decision of March 2, 2023.
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Timpul de muncă şi timpul de odihnă potrivit dreptului Uniunii Europene
The article analyzes, starting from the European legislation, the notions of working time and rest time as well as the less common situations that require a classification in one of these two notions. Moreover, the analysis of the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union includes the discussion of concrete situations which have raised real problems of interpretation of the law inu this field, demonstrating that these two notions r...
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Consideraţii generale privind concediul pentru îngrijitor
In recent years, there has been a need to balance family and work life to make modern workplaces more responsive to increasingly diverse family needs. We see this type of leave as an important step towards that balance. Family care leave is a leave that protects the worker and helps them keep their job. It can be granted by the sick person’s oncologist to the worker’s relative to provide care or support.
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Consideraţii privind jurisprudenţa recentă a Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene cu privire la noţiunea de timp de muncă şi impactul acesteia asupra dreptului intern
The Court of Justice of the European Union has relatively recently issued judgments on the interpretation of the notion of “working time” in art. 2 of Directive no. 2003/88/EC concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time. The judgments are aimed at clarifying the time spent by a worker for participating in professional training courses organized by the employer, outside of the usual time and place of work, and, on the other h...
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Pandemia de COVID-19 și dreptul muncii
The Covid-19 pandemic, which led to the establishment of a state of emergency and alert on the territory of our country, also had a significant impact on labour law. The impact has determined the issuance of legal rules derogating from the legislation in force, with temporary applicability, corresponding to the duration of the health crisis. The aim of the legislature was to support employers as well as employees so that they could continue th...
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Pandemia de COVID-19 și dreptul muncii
The Covid-19 pandemic, which led to the establishment of a state of emergency and alert on the territory of our country, also had a significant impact on labour law.The impact has determined the issuance of legal rules derogating from the legislation in force, with temporary applicability, corresponding to the duration of the health crisis. The aim of the legislature was to support employers as well as ...
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Flexibilitatea funcţională sau cum acoperim nevoia de forţa de muncă: cumul de funcţii, cumul de atribuţii sau ore suplimentare?
The management of the employees’ skills depends essentially on the initial professional evaluation by means of the prior verification of the professional/personal skills/abilities of the persons who request the employment in relation to the forecast job descriptions and the work load/working time (for each position) which has to be performed during the full-time, part-time schedule, according to the law. The duties in the job descri...
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Perioada în care salariatul se află la dispoziţia angajatorului. Aspecte controversate
The herein study presents the meaning of the term “working time”. The interpretation of the concept of “working time” was given by the CJEU, which has constantly settled that the notions of working time and rest period belong to the European Union’s law and are subject to interpretation. Given the fact that in certain situations the border between working time and rest time is difficult to set, the CJEU has settled also ...
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Aspecte controversate privind natura juridică a muncii zilierilor în lumina Legii Republicii Moldova nr. 22/2018 privind exercitarea unor activităţi necalificate cu caracter ocazional desfăşurate de zilieri
In order to overcome the phenomenon of “informal employment” in the field of agriculture, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova has recently adopted the Law no. 22/2018 regarding the performance of unqualified occasional activities by the day laborers. In this article, the author analyzes the legal relationship between the day laborer and the beneficiary of work in the light of the Law no. 22/2018 of the Republic of...
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Considerații privind timpul de lucru al lucrătorilor din domeniul medical prin prisma normelor europene și a jurisprudenței Curții de Justiție a Uniunii Europene
The meaning of the concept of „worker” and „working time”, both in general and in particular for certain areas of activity, has been outlined and explained within the framework of the Union’s rules and CJEU jurisprudence. The jurisprudence of the Court on the working time of healthcare workers is of particular importance for the correct application of the provisions of Directive 2003/88/EC. One of the controversial situations on which the Cou...
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