Articole din categoria: Numărul 1

Durata redusă a timpului de muncă
In accordance with the international and European norms, our legislation regulates, as an exception, the short duration of working time. Such duration can be directly arranged by the legislature, for example, in the case of young people up to 18 years old or in the case of employees who work under special conditions or left exclusively within the reach of the two parts of the employment relationships (employer-empl...
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Munca suplimentară
Numărul 1 Anul 2020
An exception from the normal work schedule (40 hours per week) is additional work. This is possible only as an exception and under strictly determined conditions. Thus, the maximum legal duration of working time cannot exceed 48 hours per week. The extension of this duration is possible, but provided that the average working hours, recorded over a reference period of four calendar months (sometimes six months), doe...
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Încetarea contractului individual de muncă în cazul pensionării
Art. 56 para. 1 lit. c) of the Labor Code, modified through Government Ordinance no. 96/2018 and under the decision of the Constitutional Court no. 759/2017 provides for the following cases of legal termination of the individual labor contract, namely: – at the cumulative fulfillment of the standard age conditions and the minimum contribution period; – on the date of communication of the decision on partial early retirement, early...
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Statutul Inspectorului de Muncă
Numărul 1 Anul 2019
Law no. 337/2018 on the statute of the labour inspector regulates the statute of civil servants appointed to the specific public position of labour inspector, namely the specific rights, duties and incompatibilities applicable to the labour inspector. This study attempts to analyze the main aspects that have been regulated, by reference, among others, to the provisions of Law no. 108/1999 for the establishment and organization of the Labour Ins...
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Aspecte legate de contractul cu fracțiune de normă în lumina reglementărilor interne, internaționale și europene. Analiză comparativă
Numărul 1 Anul 2019
The European policies constantly underline the utility of part-time agreements in the labour fields as important instruments that respond certain flexibility needs coming from the employees, thus ensuring an optimal balance between the professional and personal life. From this perspective, the EU Directive 97/81/CE concerning the Framework Agreement on part-time work underlines, through its content, the importance of this work schedules and en...
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Despre contractul de internship, din perspectiva recentei sale legiferări în România
Numărul 1 Anul 2019
The mechanism of cooperation between students or fresh graduates, on the one hand, and employers (companies and legal entities set up for the purpose of profit), on the other hand, is known and used in many countries of the world. Recently, through Law no. 176/2018 was legalized also in Romania this new sort of legal relationship. The emergence of this normative act has generated sometimes divergent views on opportunity, and esp...
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Aspecte legate de contractul de muncă pe durată determinată în lumina reglementărilor europene și interne. Analiză comparativă
Numărul 1 Anul 2019
The regulations specific to the labour agreement concluded for a determined period of time are provided under article 82 -87, Chapter VI, of the Labor Code. Although, in many ways, the transposing of the European Directive provisions in the internal legislation has been done in compliance with the general rules imposed by Directive, with respect to the consistency of the legal text and clarity of its writing, a series of notable particularitie...
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Aspecte cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal ale angajaților
Numărul 1 Anul 2019
The processing of the employees’ personal is a sensitive subject. Such a processing has to observe the legal provisions established at the European Union’s level. Otherwise, the employers undertake the risk to be subject to significant fines. In this article we shall analyze the grounds for processing the employees’ personal data.  ...
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Descrierea abaterii disciplinare – condiție esențială de validitate a deciziei de sancționare disciplinară
Alongside the labour conflicts referring to the censure of the dismissal decisions, the labour conflicts referring to the disciplinary sanction are frequently met in the courts judicial activity. A significant number of the law suits are solved to the disadvantage of the employer, given that the non-compliance by them, in the moment of the disciplinary decisions’ issuing, with the formal mandatory demands stipulated by the Labour Code. ...
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Considerații privind suspendarea contractului individual de muncă
Numărul 1 Anul 2018
An analysis of the Labour Code chapter on suspension of the employment contract may lead to the conclusion that some changes would be welcome, both in terms of form and material systematization and of substance of the law. In addition, the division of the suspension causes into the four situations, namely suspension „by law”, „at the employee’s inițiative”, „at the employer’s inițiative” and „by mutual consent” is marked by some legislative in...
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