Prestarea unei activităţi profesionale într-o situaţie atipică
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
The aims of the article are to analyse an atypical situation, derogating from the provisions of the Labor Code for the provision of a professional activity within a public institution.
public institution, atypica...
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Calitatea procesuală activă a federaţiei sindicale și competenţa de soluţionarea cauzei în situaţia în care acţiunea este promovată de federaţie în numele și pentru membrii de sindicat
Numărul 3 Anul 2023
The article aims to analyze the active procedural capacity of the trade union federation and the establishment of the jurisdiction of the court in the case of a claim filed by the federation on behalf of and for the trade union members of one of the trade unions affiliated to it.
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Consideraţii cu privire la prevederi legale aplicabile personalului contractual din autorităţile și instituţiile publice
Numărul 2 Anul 2023
The purpose of this article is to present the legislation applicable to contractual staff from within public institutions and authorities.
contractual staff, public institutions, public authorities
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Efectuarea pontajului pe baza amprentei. Ingerinţă în viaţa privată
Numărul 4 Anul 2021
The article aim is to analyze the legislation and jurisprudence regarding the use of biometric data by employers in order to establish the working time and to present which are the legal possibilities available to an employee who does not agree with the use of his biometric data.
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Drepturile pacientului raportat la personalul medical – analiză a legislaţiei naţionale și internaţionale
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
This article purpose is to analyze the patient’s rights which result from national and international law, as well as the legal possibilities available to the patient when these rights are violated.
patient’s ...
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Interpretarea şi aplicarea prevederilor art. 92 din Legea nr. 341/2004 cu modificările şi completările ulterioare şi ale art. 213 din Normele metodologice de aplicare a Legii nr. 341/2004 aprobate prin H.G. nr. 1412/2004 modificate şi completate prin H.G. nr. 99/2015
Numărul 1 Anul 2020
The article aims to present theoretical and practical aspects regarding the administrative procedure for granting the title of Fighter for the Victory of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989 – Fighter with a Decisive Role as provided by Law no. 341/2004, subsequently amended and completed, and by the methodological norms of law enforcement, as well as the solutions given by the courts regarding the clarification of the eff...
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