Articole din categoria: Anul 2019

Obligaţiile angajatorilor potrivit cadrului juridic de protecţie a maternităţii la locul de muncă
Numărul 6 Anul 2019
The legal framework outlined by O.U.G. no. 96/2003 regarding the protection of maternity at work places stipulates that employers have, as a rule, two categories of obligations: the obligation of evaluation and information; the obligation to take protective measures but also a series of prohibitions regarding the exposure of the workers concerned, as well as the prohibition of night work and the prohibition of dismissal. In ...
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Punct de vedere referitor la Decizia nr. 41/2019 pronunţată de Înalta Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie1 privind acordarea gradaţiei de merit în învăţământul preuniversitar
Numărul 6 Anul 2019
This article aims to remove the discriminatory situation created between the pre-school teaching staff, which ensures simultaneous teaching to a combined group consisting, as the case may be, of a small group, with children between 3-4 years, a middle group, with children between 4-5 years, and a large group, with children between 5-6 years and the primary and secondary education teaching staff, which provides simultaneous te...
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Încetarea raporturilor de muncă în cazul pensionării
With general character, art. 56 of the Labor Code regulates the termination of the existing individual employment contract in several situations, a printer which includes: – at the date of cumulative fulfillment of the standard age conditions and the minimum contribution period; – at the date of communication of the pension decision in the case of the invalidity pension of the th...
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Piaţa muncii în contextul dezvoltării sistemelor digitale
Numărul 6 Anul 2019
The fourth industrial revolution, as it is now called, or Industry 4.0 is characterized by the digitization of industrial processes, leading to a transfer of decision-making autonomy to digital intelligent systems, to artificial intelligence. Digitization can bring major benefits to companies, robotization, intelligent systems, icloud services are an important factor that can contribute to the efficiency of the activity. However, ...
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Consideraţii generale privind reglementarea muncii la domiciliu în administraţia publică din România prin Codul administrativ
Numărul 6 Anul 2019
The administrative code adopted recently by GEO no. 57/2019, provides, finally, as a novelty for the Romanian public administration, the possibility of working at home only for the staff employed under a contract and not for the civil officers, as it is necessary to make a distinction between these who, are rather located in a „grey area”. The economics of the text of law refers to the common law regulations...
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Dreptul personalului didactic din învăţământul preuniversitar la majorarea salarială pentru predarea simultană în temeiul Legii-cadru nr. 153/2017
Until 1st January 2019 only teaching staff from primary and secondary education could legally benefit from extra payment for simultaneous teaching, the right being recognized by art. 6 of chapter I of annex 5 of Law no. 63/2011, then by art. 33 paragraph 4 letter f of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 57/2015, and from 1st July 2017 through art. 38 of the framework Law no. 153/2017 on the etapized application of the new law.
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Particularităţi privind analiza practică a discriminării în domeniul muncii. Cazul discriminării prin concediere a membrilor de sindicat
Numărul 5 Anul 2019
The article presents the author’s particular considerations regarding the technical legal way of analyzing and finding a discrimination confined to a specific case of discrimination in the field of work. The object of the case is to find a discrimination in the workplace on the criterion of union membership or membership, under the aspect of two facts, one consisting of the employer disagreement regarding the formation of a union...
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Protecţia datelor cu caracter personal la misiunile diplomatice și oficiile consulare ale României în străinătate
Numărul 5 Anul 2019
The topic chosen for the article is a relevant one, on which the opinions were formulated by specialists, but given the relatively little practice due to the fact that the Regulation 679/2016 regarding the protection of personal data is of recent date, there are a lot of questions that have not yet been answered. I point out that in the studied literature we have found few studies subjected to systematic research that highlight the issu...
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Modifi carea unilaterală a fi șei postului de către angajator
The job description has always been a controversial topic in employment relationships, being among the most debated aspects of the individual employment contract. The lack of an explicit and detailed regulation of the structure and content of this document has given rise to numerous intrigues and dilemmas among employers and employees, especially in times of conflict. The most sensitive point in the employee-employer relationship is th...
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Clauza penală în raporturile de muncă
The article analyzes the problem of the penalty clause in individual employment contracts, considering the specificity of the employment relations and the way of regulating the patrimonial liability of the employee in the Labour Code. The analysis contains the relevant judgments of the Constitutional Court and the High Court of Cassation and Justice in the field.
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