Particularităţi privind analiza practică a discriminării în domeniul muncii. Cazul discriminării prin concediere a membrilor de sindicat
Numărul 5 Anul 2019
The article presents the author’s particular considerations regarding the technical legal way of analyzing and finding a discrimination confined to a specific case of discrimination in the field of work.
The object of the case is to find a discrimination in the workplace on the criterion of union membership or membership, under the aspect of two facts, one consisting of the employer disagreement regarding the formation of a union...
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Protecţia datelor cu caracter personal la misiunile diplomatice și oficiile consulare ale României în străinătate
Numărul 5 Anul 2019
The topic chosen for the article is a relevant one, on which the opinions were formulated by specialists, but given the relatively little practice due to the fact that the Regulation 679/2016 regarding the protection of personal data is of recent date, there are a lot of questions that have not yet been answered. I point out that in the studied literature we have found few studies subjected to systematic research that highlight the issu...
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Numărul 5 Anul 2018
This paper analyzes the specific regulatory conditions of a new type of contract – the internship contract, regulated this year by Law no. 177/2018. The provisions on the conclusion, suspension and termination of the contract, the rights and obligations of the parties, the assessment of the intern’s work, the duties of the mentor and other specific institutions are dealt with in detail.
We emphasize that internship was alre...
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Regimul juridic privind acordarea biletelor de valoare angajaţilor
Numărul 5 Anul 2018
A recent regulatory act, applicable next year, governs in a unitary manner a series of benefits granted to employees in the form of vouchers, which include meal vouchers, gift vouchers, nursery vouchers, cultural vouchers and holiday vouchers. The new provisions outline an appropriate legal framework for providing such benefits both on paper and in electronic form.
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Contractul de activitate sportivă – o reglementare legală inutilă
Numărul 5 Anul 2018
Law no. 69/2000 regulates in the case of performance sportsmen the possibility of performing the activities within a sports structure by concluding either an individual labor contract or a sportive activity contract. This legal solution gives birth to confusions regarding the juridical regime applicable.
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Câteva consideraţii referitoare la reglementarea și acordarea daunelor morale în raportul de muncă
Numărul 5 Anul 2018
According to the legal regulations from the Labour Code, moral damages can be granted only if the employee is injured by the employer during the execution of the individual labour contract. The acknowledgement of moral damages and the determination of the amount of moral damages in the labour disputes may be a challenge just as it is in the case of civil litigations. The court has the task of ordering the administration of the appropria...
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Avertismentul scris. Aspecte teoretice și practice. Necesitatea efectuării cercetării disciplinare și în cazul avertismentului scris
Numărul 5 Anul 2018
In the following, we will analyze some theoretical and practical aspects related to the disciplinary sanction of the written warning, and we will also refer to the need to conduct a disciplinary investigation in case of a written warning.
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Scurtă analiză privind condiţiile și procedura de acordare a repausului săptămânal cumulat
Numărul 5 Anul 2018
Labour Code provides under Art. 137 (4) the possibility of granting the weekly rest days cumulatively, after a continuous work period that may not exceed 14 calendar days, with the authorization of the territorial labour inspectorate and the approval of the union or, by case, of the employees’ representatives.
The conditions and the procedure of the approval of the territorial labour inspectorate for granting the weekly rest day...
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Comentarii cu privire la recente soluții ale Curții de Justiție a Uniunii Europene în materia discriminării la locul de muncă
Numărul 5 Anul 2017
The study presents two recent solutions of the CJEU in interpreting some of the provisions of Directive no. 2000/78/EC establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation, regarding the internal regulations of an undertaking prohibiting workers from bearing visible signs of political, philosophical or religious nature at work, and the request of a client of the employer that the work should not be performe...
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Aspecte particulare privind suspendarea raporturilor de serviciu. Consecințe. Daune morale
Numărul 5 Anul 2017
This study aims to draw attention to legislative inconsistencies that exist in the matter of suspension of work, by comparatively analyzing statutory regulations of professional categories which were considered relevant to the intended purpose. The analysis does not have as a target the whole institution suspension of work, only that segment on suspension from office due to involvement of the person in criminal investigation and only t...
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