Articole din categoria: Numărul 3

Trei documente europene adoptate recent, relevante pentru raporturile de muncă
Numărul 3 Anul 2019
European Labor Law has recently undergone a process of transformation, a series of documents of political and normative value being adopted at the level of the European Union. Among these, especially important are the European Pillar of Social Rights, the draft Directive on the transparency and predictability of working conditions in the European Union and the Regulation establishing the future European Labor Authority &#8211...
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Autoritatea Europeană a Muncii (en. ELA) – de la teorie la practică
Numărul 3 Anul 2019
The article presents the legal and social context of the establishment of the European Labor Authority (ELA) and its objectives. ELA will start operations in 2019 and will be fully operational in 2024. ELA will facilitate access to information on rights and obligations regarding labour mobility, enhance cooperation between Member States in the enforcement of relevant Union law, mediate and facilitate a solution in cases of c...
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Asistenţa şi protecţia consulară oferită cetăţenilor europeni prin intermediul misiunilor diplomatice/oficiilor consulare ale României
Numărul 3 Anul 2019
The theme chosen for the article is a topical one, on which many opinions have been formulated by many specialists, but in practice there are still questions that have not found the answers. I mention that in the studied literature I have found studies undergoing systematic researches to highlight the issues addressed: Consular assistance and protection offered to European citizens through diplomatic missions/consular offices of Romani...
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Concediu de acomodare rezultat al Legii nr. 273/2004 privind procedura adopţiei
Numărul 3 Anul 2019
In its general sense, the terms of leave determines any period of time in which employees are not required, according to the law, to perform work. As a result, all holidays are a form of leisure, but not of leisure time. Theoretical and practical leave of accomodation is de result of the adoption of the Law no. 273/2004, which stipulates the right of obligation of employers and employees, similar to those regulated by the La...
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Aplicarea prevederilor legale în managementul resurselor umane
Numărul 3 Anul 2019
The Human Resources Departments’ management tasks can be divided in relation to the following main activities, such as: efficient management and administration according to legislation, abilities acquisition and development and employee loyalty. Some of the human resources management activities necessitate the management requirements. However, most of the human management activities are ruled, in particular, by labor law nor...
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Ce este şi cum poate fi folosită inteligenţa artificială (I)
Numărul 3 Anul 2018
Artificial Intelligence is one of the topical issues in technology and not only in this area. It has raised, raises and will raise important issues in society and we will all have to learn how to adapt to the new situations that will follow. It is important, first of all, to begin to know what AI really is, how we can use it and under what conditions. It is very important for people from all areas of activit...
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Munca zilierilor
Through Law no. 86/2018 was emended the regulation of day labourer work brought by Law no. 52/2011. It is expressly provided that the day labourer are in working relationships with the beneficiaries of their activity and that these relations are established by the agreement of the parties, without the conclusion, in writing, of an individual labor contract. The law provides rights and oblig...
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Observaţii referitoare la modificarea de către angajator a elementului “locul muncii” din contractul individual de muncă – art. 41 alin. (3) C. muncii
Numărul 3 Anul 2018
The individual labour contract includes both information clauses and also clauses stipulated by the parties’ agreement. The clause of the job or position is generally formulated and has informative value for the employee so that the employer can change the workplace in the same unit and the same locality by a unilateral disposition. The modification of the clause establishing a precisely determined job requires the agreement ...
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Aspecte controversate cu privire la noua reglementare a telemuncii
Telecommuting is a way of doing a work on the basis of a special type of labour contract. Both the telecommuting and the teleworker have to fulfill a number of conditions governed by the law. In addition, there are a number of special obligations under this type of labour contract, both for the employer and for the employee. Te...
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Aspecte controversate privind natura juridică a muncii zilierilor în lumina Legii Republicii Moldova nr. 22/2018 privind exercitarea unor activităţi necalificate cu caracter ocazional desfăşurate de zilieri
In order to overcome the phenomenon of “informal employment” in the field of agriculture, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova has recently adopted the Law no. 22/2018 regarding the performance of unqualified occasional activities by the day laborers. In this article, the author analyzes the legal relationship between the day laborer and the beneficiary of work in the light of the Law no. 22/2018 of the Repu...
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