Articole din categoria: Anul 2021

Reflecții juridice privind modul de operare a transferului salariatului la o altă muncă prin prisma Codului muncii al Republicii Moldova
This study clarifies some legal issues related to the transfer of the employee to another job, considered by the legislature of Moldova as one of the main ways to change the workplace, either in the interest of the job or at the request of the employee. In accordance with the Labour Code of the Republic of Moldova, such a legal operation (even in the case of the temporary transfer of the employee) can be carried out only on the basis of ...
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Raportul de muncă în domeniul pescuitului maritim
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
The employment relation in the case of the fisherman may be carried out on the basis of the individual employment contract concluded between the fisherman and the vessel owner or the temporary employment contract concluded between the private employment agency and the fisherman, to make him available to a fishing vessel owner. Fishermen must comply with orders of the ship master and the applicable occupational safety and health measures...
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Recentele modifi cări ale Codului muncii privind discriminarea în muncă
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
Convention no. 111 of the International Labor Organization prohibits discrimination in employment and occupation. Discrimination on the grounds of religious affiliation or beliefs, disability, age or sexual orientation has negative effects on a society and can also jeopardize the achievement of the objectives of the Treaty establishing the European Community, such as: a level of employment and social protection high living standa...
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Reflecţii asupra muncii suplimentare și repausului săptămânal
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
The legal regime of the work performed on the weekly rest days is regulated by norms related to two legal institutions, respectively those that regulate the additional work, on the one hand, and those that concern the weekly rest, on the other hand. Keywords:
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Rolul expertului în legislaţia muncii în respectarea drepturilor, îndatoririlor și intereselor legitime ale părţilor
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
According to art. 17 para. 6 of the Labor Code when negotiating, concluding or amending the individual employment contract, any of the parties may be assisted by third parties, according to their own option, respecting the confidentiality of the information provided. This confidentiality must be ensured in accordance with the new provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal...
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Drepturile pacientului raportat la personalul medical – analiză a legislaţiei naţionale și internaţionale
This article purpose is to analyze the patient’s rights which result from national and international law, as well as the legal possibilities available to the patient when these rights are violated. Keywords: pat...
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Perioada de probă
For the purpose of the practical verification, in the workplace, of the employee’s skills, the parties may establish in their contract a trial period of no more than 90 days for operational positions and a maximum of 120 days for management positions. It follows that the trial period is not mandatory (except for disabled persons, which in this case is the only form of verification of professional skills), it is optional, at the ...
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