Competenţa de soluţionare a cauzelor care au ca obiect raportul de serviciu al funcţionarului public
Numărul 6 Anul 2017
In the case of soldiers under Law no. 80/1995 regarding status of the military are not applicable the provisions of Art. 109 of Law no. 188/1999 regarding the status of civil servants in the jurisdiction of the tribunal, administrative contentious to resolve labor disputes the merits thereof.
If their case is applicable Art. 10 para. (1) of the Law no. 554/2004 meaning that disputes arising from administrative acts issued by centr...
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Reglementări europene privind condiţiile de intrare și de ședere a resortisanţilor ţărilor terţe pentru voluntari
Numărul 6 Anul 2017
Cette étude vise à présenter de nouveaux règlements adoptés au niveau européen en ce qui concerne le territoire des États membres des ressortissants des pays tiers qui souhaitent mener des activités par l’intermédiaire du Service Volontaire Européen sur le territoire d’un État membre.
Le nombre croissant de bénévoles qui sont des ressortissants de pays tiers qui sont admis aux États membres dans les programmes de formation de volo...
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Între constituţional și neconstituţional – art. 52 alin (1) lit. b) teza I din Codul muncii
Numărul 6 Anul 2017
The purpose of this article is to follow the analysis of the constitutionality of the first sentence of art. 52 (1) b) of Law no. 53/2003 on the Labor Code and the effects of the declaration of its unconstitutionality.
In its first part, the article makes a brief analysis of the Constitutional Court’s decisions issued as a result of the constitutional review of the analyzed law, highlighting the Court’s arguments regarding its co...
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Persoanele asimilate funcţionarului public care răspund penal pentru infracţiunea de luare de mită
Numărul 6 Anul 2017
Establishing the application limits of art. 175 par. 2 The Criminal Code, in the sense of determining the categories of professions and persons who may be active subjects of the bribery offense, in the light of the legal provisions of the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Romania and of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, has the role to clarify the meaning of the notion by „civil servant assimilated”.
In these circu...
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Aspecte teoretice privind registrul general de evidenţă a salariaţilor în contextul ultimelor modificări legislative
Numărul 6 Anul 2017
The employees general registration system is an informatic application regulated by the Romanian Law that allows employers to communicate to the labour inspectorate the labour contracts conclusion, modifi cation, suspension and termination. Nevertheless, in november 2016, the rules that govern the communication of the registration were subject to modifi cation. Those rules, that were adopted by the Romanian Government were also a consequ...
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Consideraţii practice cu privire la cercetarea disciplinară prealabilă a salariaţilor
Numărul 6 Anul 2017
Through numerous decisions of the courts rendered in the settlements of labour conflicts having object petitions against the sanction decision had been annulated the disciplinary sanction acts, given that the violation by the employer of the rules regarding the disciplinary inquiry. In the present study, it is analysed the succession of the juridical operations that must be undertaken in the stage of the disciplinary inquiry and there ar...
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Consideraţii practice cu privire la cercetarea disciplinară prealabilă a salariaţilor
Numărul 6 Anul 2017
Through numerous decisions of the courts rendered in the settlements of labour conflicts having object petitions against the sanction decision had been annulated the disciplinary sanction acts, given that the violation by the employer of the rules regarding the disciplinary inquiry. In the present study, it is analysed the succession of the juridical operations that must be undertaken in the stage of the disciplinary inquiry and there a...
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Consideraţii privind indicarea contractului colectiv de muncă aplicabil în contractul individual de muncă
Numărul 6 Anul 2017
Although collective labor contracts are subject to being made public under the penalty sanction (expressly, according to the law, those at the level of sector of activity and those at the group-level units), the law does not connect it with the production of legal effects from the date of its publication but only from the date of its registration, the significance of advertising consisting in ensuring a wider oposability.
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Interdicţii privind concedierea
Numărul 6 Anul 2017
The present study deals with prohibitions on dismissal. Based material is art. 59-60 of the Labor Code governing prohibitions regarding individual dismissal based on: principle of equal treatment in labor relations and prohibition of discrimination; workers’ right to participate in collective action to establish or join a union, to participate in the law to strike as well as situations where individual employment contract is suspended d...
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