Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: concediere

Problematica concedierii salariatului în legătură cu reducerea numărului sau a statelor de personal în legislația Republicii Moldova
This study analyzes the legal procedure for dismissing the employee as a result of the reduction in the number of staff or posts of the unit in the light of the Labour Code of the Republic of Moldova. The authors have elucidated the conditions that the employer must comply with when operating such a dismissal. Moreover, it is concluded that the operation of selecting employees for dismissal in accordance with the stated legal basis falls under...
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Reflecții juridice privind măsurile de protecție a salariaților la operarea concedierii acestora prin prisma legislației Republicii Moldova
This study addresses some legal issues regarding employee protection measures – enshrined in the law of Moldova – which may take the form of permanent or temporary interdictions when dismissing employees. At the same time, we have pointed out the special rules on the dismissal of certain categories of persons and, in ...
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Confuzii cu repetiţie între concediere şi încetarea contractului individual de muncă în perioada de probă
This article is generated by a case decided by the courts specialized in settling employment disputes in Bucharest and by the comments on this topic published in the journal Dreptul no. 10/2020. It is noted, which is an error, that the courts confused dismissal with the termination of the individual employment contract during the trial period. On the contrary, these are two distinct ways of permanently terminating...
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Executarea de către angajator a obligaţiei ce-i revine în urma anulării deciziei de concediere și repunerii părţilor în situaţia anterioară
The practice of labor relations and the judicial practice in this matter encounter permanent difficulties in connection with the interpretation and application of provisions of labor law. Even if almost 18 years have passed since the entry into force of Law no. 53/2003 – Labor Code, a series of regulatory solutions contained in this normative act, most of which impose obligations on the employer in relation to employees, raises problems ...
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Sinteză de practică judiciară privind concedierea întemeiată pe dispoziţiile art. 65 din Codul muncii
One of the most frequent dismissal cases encountered in practice is dismissal based on the provisions of art. 65 of the Labor Code. The courts, faced with the numerous appeals introduced by the dismissed workers, have made important clarifications regarding the meaning of the respective text, namely: what means „dismissal for reasons pertaining to the person of the employee”, the organizational prerogative limits ...
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Dispoziţii ale noii legi a muncii franceze
In France was adopted in August 2016 labor law designed to reform labor law in this country. It has 123 articles and create or amend 300 articles of the Labour Code. An experts and practitioners commisoin assisted by the social partners, will propose a maximum period of two years, rewriting the french Labour Code. In essence, the new law refers to:– the specific work and leave;– training;– soci...
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