Algoritmii, Inteligenţa Artificială, roboţii și lumea muncii
Numărul 5 Anul 2024
Technologies are evolving today at an extremely fast pace, and artificial intelligence (A.I.) is at the heart of the changes. This, through its applications, plays an increasingly important role in industry, agriculture, finance-banking, medicine, education, military, even in … sport.
In the latter field, it is estimated that in a period of 20 or 30 years, in football, the referee will be just an intelligent computer. With...
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Opinii cu privire la capacitatea de muncă a copiilor
Numărul 5 Anul 2024
The idea of the study was inspired by the existence of substantive differences between the provisions of art. 49 para. (4) of the Constitution and some provisions of Council Directive 94/33CE of June 24, 1994 on the protection of young people at work. Along with the presentation of these differences, I proposed the substantiation of a legal remedy for the reported situation. At the same time, there are some differences...
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Impactul violenţei domestice asupra relaţiei de muncă
Numărul 5 Anul 2024
Domestic violence is different from gender violence and family violence and is determined by several factors like poor education; the family’s social and economic situation; a dysfunctional family model; the aggressor’s psychological profile – e.g. weak personality, lacking emotional and social maturity a.s.o.; aggressive tendencies, authoritarian and/or irascible temperament; aggressor’s deformed image of woman’s social role; vic...
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Aspecte teoretice și practice în interpretarea și aplicarea Legii nr. 367/2022 privind dialogul social. Observaţii punctuale
Numărul 5 Anul 2024
As of December 25, 2022, a new law on social dialogue entered into force; it is Law no. 367/2022 on social dialogue, published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 1238 of 22 December 2022, which repeals on the date of its entry into force the Social Dialogue Law no. 62/2011, published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 322 of 10 May 2011 and republished in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 625 of 31 August 2012. This new law on soc...
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Contractul individual de muncă pe perioadă determinată în sistemul de drept românesc
Numărul 5 Anul 2024
The article examines the individual fixed-term employment contract in the context of the Romanian legislation, highlighting its definition, distinctive features and legal characteristics. The contract must be concluded in written form and include essential elements such as the duration, object of work and salary conditions. The employee benefits from the same rights as in the case of the contract for an indefinite period. The individua...
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Privire comparativă asupra traseului profesional al medicilor între Marea Britanie și România
Numărul 5 Anul 2024
The article aims to make a comparison between the career paths of doctors in the United Kingdom and Romania. The article presents the steps a medical school graduate from Romania should follow if they wish to practice in the United Kingdom.
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Concedierea și termenul de preaviz
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
The right to notice in case of dismissal is an essential guarantee of the right to work and a component of the right to information that manifests itself from the conclusion of the employment contract until its final termination. This study aims to identify the contradictory practice of the courts regarding the method of calculating the notice period and illustrates from a historical perspective the legal regulations of the law, as well...
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Reflectarea principiului privind echilibrul dintre viaţa profesională și cea privată în legislaţia română
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
Romania is one of the Member States of the European Union whose citizens are faced with a serious imbalance between work and private life, and the negative effects of this phenomenon are felt not only in the field of labour relations, but also at the socio-economic level (birth rate, lower employment rate, increased economic dependency ratio, etc.). The aim of this article is to analyse the effectiveness of the legislative measures adop...
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Particularităţile sarcinii probei în litigiile de contencios administrativ
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
This article aims to identify the particularities that affect the burden of proof in disputes judged according to the rules governed by the Administrative Litigation Law no. 554/2004, in correspondence with the analysis of the legislator’s will regarding the mentioned institution which, over time, during the civil process, granted the public authorities, in the disputes concerning public officials, an atypical position compared to the ci...
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Prestarea unei activităţi profesionale într-o situaţie atipică
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
The aims of the article are to analyse an atypical situation, derogating from the provisions of the Labor Code for the provision of a professional activity within a public institution.
public institution, ...
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