Articole din categoria: Numărul 3

Căile de atac împotriva sancţionării disciplinare în cazul funcţionarilor publici
Numărul 3 Anul 2017
The civil servant can impugn disciplinary sanction at the administrative court. It may address the court to cancel the action without the need for prior complaint. However, this procedure is necessary only in the event last disciplinary namely dismissal from the public. Trial procedure is conducted in accordance with the Code of Civil Procedure.
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Clarificări privind capacitatea de muncă a minorului
Numărul 3 Anul 2017
In this article, we have analyzed the working capacity of the minor, in according to the special provisions stipulated in the Labour Code, as well as to the provisions of substantive law, in order to emphasize the need to assign anticipated legal capacity to the minor, as an actor of labor relations, due to the superior discernment he proves to have in relation with other minors by assuming the rights and the exercise of the obligations ...
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Elaborarea şi implementarea unei noi strategii naţionale privind securitatea și sănătatea în muncă – o necesitate în lumina noului cadru strategic al Uniunii Europene privind sănătatea și siguranţa la locul de muncă pentru perioada 2014-2020
Numărul 3 Anul 2017
The European Union set a new strategic framework for health and safety at work for the period 2014 – 2020 and highlighted the new challenges in this area. The Author analyzing the European and national context and argues the need to develop and implement a new national strategy on safety and health (OSH), in line with the new strategic European framework and due to the peculiarities of our country.
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Procedura sancţionării disciplinare
Disciplining takes place according to legal procedures and regulations primarily aimed at establishing the correct facts constituting the offense and ensuring the right employees. The procedure comprises several steps among which stand out: research misbehavior; individualization and the sanction; the decision to sanction the terms settled by law and with the content established by it; communicating this decision to the sanctioned. ...
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Reglementări europene privind condiţiile de intrare și de ședere a resortisanţilor ţărilor terţe pentru studii
Dans le contexte de l’internationalisation de l’enseignement supérieur européen, la proximité des législations nationales des États membres est une nécessité qui est parfaitement compatible avec les objectifs du projet visant à moderniser l’enseignement supérieur Européen. L extention et l’approfondissement du processus de Bologne, la mise en place de l’Espace européen de l’enseignement supérieur ont conduit le développement d’une des ét...
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Mai răspund disciplinar înalţii funcţionari publici?
Numărul 3 Anul 2017
The aim of this article is to analyse the characteristics of disciplinary liability that distinguish senior civil servants from other categories of civil servants. Thus are being analysed the regulations that apply to the fi rst mentioned category of civil servants, their application per se, in order to point out if, based on the legislation in this fi eld, at this point, the disciplinary liability applies to senior civil servants or if...
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