Consideraţii cu privire la statutul lucrătorului cultural profesionist
Numărul 4 Anul 2023
The article presents the legal grounds on which this type of activity can be performed and presents aspects of the malfunction of the regulations contained in Government Ordinance no. 21/2023. In carrying out his activity, the professional cultural worker concludes contracts for the assignment of patrimonial rights relating to copyright or a contract for carrying out cultural activity, the condition being registration as a professional...
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O reglementare mult așteptată – activitatea prestatorului casnic
Numărul 3 Anul 2022
Prior to the adoption of Law no. 111/2022 on the regulation of the activity of the domestic provider, the labor legislation did not contain special provisions on this aspect. Domestic activity is occasional, unqualified, carried out by a domestic provider in connection with the household/households of a family or a single person, as a domestic beneficiary. The activities carried out by people who occasionally practice the profession of...
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Un nou tip de concediu pentru salariați – concediul pentru îngrijirea pacientului cu afecțiuni oncologice
Numărul 1 Anul 2022
Eployees can benefit from a type of leave, in addition to the other leave provided by law. The insured who, with the patient’s consent, accompanies him to surgeries and treatments prescribed by the specialist doctor, benefits from leave and allowance for the care of the patient with oncological diseases over 18 years of age. The gross monthly amount of the allowance for the care of the patient with oncol...
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Un nou tip de concediu pentru salariați – concediul pentru îngrijirea pacientului cu afecțiuni oncologice
Numărul 1 Anul 2022
Employees can benefit from a type of leave, in addition to the other leave provided by law. The insured who, with the patient’s consent, accompanies him to surgeries and treatments prescribed by the specialist doctor, benefits from leave and allowance for the care of the patient with oncological diseases over 18 years of age. The gross monthly amount of the allowance for the care of the patient with oncological diseases is 85% of the ca...
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Digitalizarea contractului individual de muncă, încheierea, derularea şi încetarea în format electronic a acestui document, cu semnătură electronică
Numărul 4 Anul 2021
The need for efficiency and continuous improvement of employment relations, as well as the need to simplify procedures specific to the human resources activity, require the regulation of the employer’s possibility of using the advanced electronic signature or qualified electronic signature accompanied by electronic time stamp or qualified electronic time stamp and qualified electronic seal of the employer when concluding the indiv...
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Raportul de muncă în domeniul pescuitului maritim
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
The employment relation in the case of the fisherman may be carried out on the basis of the individual employment contract concluded between the fisherman and the vessel owner or the temporary employment contract concluded between the private employment agency and the fisherman, to make him available to a fishing vessel owner. Fishermen must comply with orders of the ship master and the applicable occupational safety and health measures...
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O nouă modalitate de soluţionare amiabilă a conflictelor individuale de muncă
Numărul 6 Anul 2020
Until the publication of Law no. 213/2020, the alternative resolution of individual employment disputes was possible only based on the provisions contained in the Mediation Law no. 192/2006. At present, at the conclusion of the individual employment contract or during its performance, the parties may include in the contract a clause by which they establish that any individual employment dispute is settled amicably, through t...
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Consideraţii privind acordarea unui ajutor financiar pentru plata serviciilor oferite de bonă
Numărul 2 Anul 2020
The establishment of the legal framework for the granting by the local public administration authorities of aid to families with preschool children was the subject matter of a normative act, which provides the requirements for granting financial aid, the necessary documents, the granting procedure, as well as the suspension, termination or recovery of the unduly collected amounts. The nanny profession was regulated a few years...
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Unele aspecte de noutate în privinţa raportului de muncă (de serviciu) al politiştilor de penitenciare
Numărul 4 Anul 2019
Law no. 145/2019, which regulates the special status of penitentiary police officers, conferred by the nature of the work tasks that involve special duties and risks, expressly repealed Law no. 293/2004 on the Statute of civil servants with special status in the National Administration of Penitentiaries. The new regulation has a series of provisions regarding the penitentiary police officers who are vested with the exercise ...
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Statutul Inspectorului de Muncă
Numărul 1 Anul 2019
Law no. 337/2018 on the statute of the labour inspector regulates the statute of civil servants appointed to the specific public position of labour inspector, namely the specific rights, duties and incompatibilities applicable to the labour inspector. This study attempts to analyze the main aspects that have been regulated, by reference, among others, to the provisions of Law no. 108/1999 for the establishment and organization of the Lab...
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