Critica unei hotărâri judecătorești
03 01 2024
In the following article, one of a practical nature, an analysis of a court decision, pronounced on appeal, is made. The employee was disciplined with a 10% salary reduction for 3 months, on the grounds that he committed a disciplinary offense consisting of transporting two 5-liter containers full of diesel fuel in the cab of the bus he was driving. He thus endangered the safety of passengers and the vehicle entrusted to him. The court of firs...
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Înțelesul noțiunii de „abatere disciplinară” în lumina jurisprudenței şi a dreptului comparat
01 01 2024
The present article discusses the problematic aspects related to the concept of “disciplinary misconduct” in the light of jurisprudence. Given the lapidary content of the normative text, which does not include a list of facts that may constitute disciplinary misconduct, the jurisprudence is essential for the depth of nuances and for the identification of differences of interests in the relationship between employer and employees. All these jur...
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Noua reglementare a răspunderii administrativ-disciplinare a funcţionarilor publici
04 01 2019
The Administrative Code brings together the whole issue of organizing and operating public institutions, staff status and administrative accountability. Administrative-disciplinary liability is a new concept that changes the vision of disciplinary law.
The civil servant dissatisfied with the sanction applied may address the administrative court requesting the cancellation or modification of the sanctioning act.
Contractual staff ...
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Descrierea abaterii disciplinare – condiție esențială de validitate a deciziei de sancționare disciplinară
01 01 2018
Alongside the labour conflicts referring to the censure of the dismissal decisions, the labour conflicts referring to the disciplinary sanction are frequently met in the courts judicial activity. A significant number of the law suits are solved to the disadvantage of the employer, given that the non-compliance by them, in the moment of the disciplinary decisions’ issuing, with the formal mandatory demands stipulated by the Labour Code.
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Procedura sancţionării disciplinare
03 01 2017
Disciplining takes place according to legal procedures and regulations primarily aimed at establishing the correct facts constituting the offense and ensuring the right employees. The procedure comprises several steps among which stand out: research misbehavior; individualization and the sanction; the decision to sanction the terms settled by law and with the content established by it; communicating this decision to the sanctioned.
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Reglementări europene privind condiţiile de intrare și de ședere a resortisanţilor ţărilor terţe pentru studii
03 01 2017
Dans le contexte de l’internationalisation de l’enseignement supérieur européen, la proximité des législations nationales des États membres est une nécessité qui est parfaitement compatible avec les objectifs du projet visant à moderniser l’enseignement supérieur Européen. L extention et l’approfondissement du processus de Bologne, la mise en place de l’Espace européen de l’enseignement supérieur ont conduit le développement d’une des étude d’e...
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