Articole din categoria: Anul 2018

Contractul individual de muncă privind activitatea de telemuncă în context legislativ intern și european. Elemente de drept comparat
Numărul 2 Anul 2018
Romania has recently taken a first step towards establishing an institutional and legal framework for teleworking programs, by proposing a bill aimed to regulate teleworking activities. The bill has been approved by the executive, which means that Romanian employees might soon be teleworking. At first sight, the process of regulating telework currently conducted on the Romanian labor market, is a major factor in developing the innovative spiri...
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Considerații privind calitatea procesuală a lucrătorilor în constatarea nulității absolute a contractului/acordului colectiv de muncă
Numărul 1 Anul 2018
In the judicial practice, different opinions emerged with regard to the possibility of the employee/civil servant to request the declaration of the absolute nullity of the collective labour agreement/contract when the damage is determined within the property of the employer, through a control act of the Court of Accounts. In solving this issue of law, the High Court of Cassation and Justice intervened by decision no. 17/2016 (the panel compete...
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Dobândirea calității de membru al Corpului diplomatic și consular
Numărul 1 Anul 2018
In this article the author aims to discuss in terms of texts Law no. 269/2003 becoming a member of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps in Romania. Thus, the author analyzes the conditions that are to be fulfilled for access to the profession.r Keywords: ...
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Încetarea de drept a contractului individual de muncă potrivit Codului muncii
The situations in which the employment contract may be terminated include de jure termination [art. 55(a) of the Labour Code]. It is a termination under the law – ope legis – as a result of the will of the legislature. It occurs only in expressly provided cases; the contract is cancelled at the very moment of the occurrence of the termination cause without the intervention of the employer. ...
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Descrierea abaterii disciplinare – condiție esențială de validitate a deciziei de sancționare disciplinară
Alongside the labour conflicts referring to the censure of the dismissal decisions, the labour conflicts referring to the disciplinary sanction are frequently met in the courts judicial activity. A significant number of the law suits are solved to the disadvantage of the employer, given that the non-compliance by them, in the moment of the disciplinary decisions’ issuing, with the formal mandatory demands stipulated by the Labour Code. ...
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Considerații privind suspendarea contractului individual de muncă
Numărul 1 Anul 2018
An analysis of the Labour Code chapter on suspension of the employment contract may lead to the conclusion that some changes would be welcome, both in terms of form and material systematization and of substance of the law. In addition, the division of the suspension causes into the four situations, namely suspension „by law”, „at the employee’s inițiative”, „at the employer’s inițiative” and „by mutual consent” is marked by some legislative in...
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Aspecte specifice privind încetarea raporturilor de muncă ale judecătorilor și procurorilor
Numărul 1 Anul 2018
The present article analyzes two of the situations of termination of the labor relations of judges and prosecutors, consisting not in a detailed explanation of the entire applicable procedure, but only for the purpose of highlighting unprecedented aspects and which refers to the hypothesis of disciplinary exclusion from the profession and retirement of the magistrate respectively. More specifically, the article locks, in the first case, to the...
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