Articole din categoria: Numărul 4

Răspunderea juridică a personalului din învăţământul superior pentru nerespectarea regimului conflictului de interese potrivit Legii nr. 199/2023
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
Incompatibility is a state of discordance arising „between two functions or professions”, a situation that will lead to the assumption that the same person cannot exercise or occupy them simultaneously. From a temporal point of view, the incompatibility lasts, as a state of affairs, from the moment when the person concerned is formally entitled to exercise both functions/qualities/activities until the moment when one of them...
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Aspecte teoretice și practice privind regimul juridic al raporturilor personalului care are atribuţii de gestionare și protecţie a informaţiilor clasificate
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
The protection of classified information is a special matter among the special duties that the personnel in the budgetary system (and not only) can acquire based on the job description, due to the derogation from the bilateral nature of the employment or service relationship that arises between an entity and its employees. In this case, the intervention of the third party in determining the award or in the act regarding the cessation of ...
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Aspecte teoretice și practice privind munca prestată de lucrătorii străini în România. Privire specială asupra modificărilor legislative aduse de Legea nr. 28/2024 și de O.U.G. nr. 25/2024
In the present study, we will address the main aspects related to the legal regime of different categories of foreign workers from outside the European Union, including in relation to the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Serbia and Ukraine, for which there are derogatory provisions. Also, the legal regime of foreign workers will be analyzed especially from the perspective of the changes made by Law no. 28/2024 for th...
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Executarea hotărârilor judecătorești având ca obiect acordarea unor drepturi de natură salarială stabilite în favoarea personalului din instituţiile și autorităţile publice
The article proposes to present the applicable legal framework regarding the execution of court decisions with the object of granting certain salary rights established in favor of the staff of public institutions and authorities. Keywords:
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AI în recrutare: Nevoia de echilibru între inovaţie și conformitatea cu GDPR și noul AI Act
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
The new AI Act that was recently passed in the European Union, the first-ever comprehensive legal framework on AI in the world, will most certainly raise problems comparable to the ones GDPR caused, due to its complexity and its projected significant impact. Given that the development of AI systems involves the collection of an extremely large volume of data especially in the initial phase of mapping and trainin...
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Clarificări în cazul termenului de preaviz de concediere ca termen de decădere obligatoriu potrivit Deciziei ÎCCJ nr. 8/2024
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
As a result of some non-unitary practices of the courts, but especially for the application of the labor legislation in the letter and spirit of the recent law, the Panel for the resolution of the appeal in the interest of the law within the HCCJ was vested by the notification formulated by the People’s Advocate with the resolution of the appeal in the interest of the of the law concerning the legal issue regarding the non-u...
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Efectele Deciziei nr. 79 din 11 decembrie 2023 pronunţate de Înalta Curte de Casaţie și Justiţie – Completul pentru dezlegarea unei chestiuni de drept
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
By Decision no. 79 of December 11, 2023, the High Court of Cassation and Justice decided, among other things, that the phrase „harmful conditions” in Government Decision no. 250/1992 and from Law no. 31/1991 does not have an identical content to the same phrase from the framework laws on unitary remuneration of personnel paid from public funds, with the consequence that the issuance of the expert report for the assessment of occupation...
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Libertatea de exprimare a angajaţilor
A case settled by the European Court of Human Rights concerned the freedom of expression of an employee. The latter, employed as an expert I.T., a computer engineer, sent an email from his professional mailbox to the company’s human resources department criticizing the managerial projects of the chairman of the board of directors. The employee complained about the high workload, the reduction of compensations for knowledge of for...
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Formarea profesională și noile tehnologii
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
The rapidly changing world of work requires educational and training adaptability, and new technologies offer innovative ways to meet this imperative. Vocational training is becoming increasingly necessary to adapt workers to new technologies. Thus, lifelong learning is becoming more and more flexible thanks to new innovations such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Robo...
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Aspecte de drept substanţial și de drept procesual privind hărţuirea la locul de muncă
Harassment at work is a phenomenon that has been constantly manifested. The normative reflection of this social reality has experienced a certain evolution, being noted, in recent years, a preoccupation of the legislator to significantly complete and detail the regulatory framework for the issue of workplace harassment. The legislative interventions carried out on the Labor Code, Government Ordinance no. 137/2000 on the prevention and ...
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