Articole din categoria: Numărul 2

Telemunca la domiciliu, accidente și securitatea în muncă – o perspectivă comparativă
Home working and teleworking are increasingly used in employment relationships. They have proved their full usefulness especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, which is still ongoing. The greatest advantage of these forms of work is that they allow workers to combine work and private life. However, it is possible that employees may suffer accidents while working at home. The question is: is such an accident at work or not? Who is respons...
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Exercitarea profesiei de medic, recunoașterea titlurilor profesionale și salarizarea personalului medical
The article aims to present the legal framework that regulates the acquisition of the qualification of doctor, the recognition of professional titles obtained in other countries, the conditions under which the profession of doctor can be exercised in Romania and the remuneration of medical personnel.
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Părţile și reprezentarea acestora la negocierea colectivă la nivel de unitate
Numărul 2 Anul 2024
This paper deals with the changes made in May 2023, Law no. 367/2022 regarding the social dialogue, related to the representation of the parts in the collective negotiation process. The priority of participating in the collective bargaining of trade union organizations at the unit level is analyzed, compared to the representation by elected employees/workers, in the conditions where there is no legally constituted trade union organization at t...
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Clauza de neconcurenţă prin prisma Codului muncii al Republicii Moldova
In this study, the non-compete clause is explained as a type of specific clauses of an individual employment contract, which results in a conventional restriction of work freedom. The author highlighted, primarily, the legal significance of the non-compete clause. In addition, the elements to be stated in the text of a non-compete clause were analysed, according to art. 531 para. (2) of the Labour Code of the Republic of Moldova, namely: the ge...
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Reglementarea juridică a formelor de asistenţă socială în Republica Moldova
Numărul 2 Anul 2024
The given article is dedicated to the matter concerning the institution of social assistance which plays a decisive role in the realization by the state of a set of social services with the aim of prevention or removing some events considered social risks, ensuring a sustainable development, realizing the principle of social solidarity and ensuring the rights and freedoms established by national and international legislation. Social assistanc...
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Infracţiunea de încălcare a regulilor de protecţie a muncii în Republica Moldova
Numărul 2 Anul 2024
In the Republic of Moldova, the constitutional right to labor protection is also safeguarded by penal means, as art. 183 of the Criminal Code incriminates the act of violating labor protection rules. The criminal norm, a basis, must be analyzed in close connection with the provisions of the Labor Code, of Law no. 186-XVI/2008 on occupational safety and health and with other normative acts and regulations applicable in the field. The offense is...
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Curtea Europeană a Drepturilor Omuluiși soluţii ale acesteia
The European Court of Human Rights is a higher court than the national ones, to which the litigants from the member countries of the Council of Europe, dissatisfied with the fi nal solutions handed down by the national courts, can appeal. The referral to the Court takes place with strict compliance with the elements provided in art. 47 of the Regulation. The lack of such an element, even the last signature, makes the request inadmissib...
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10 clauze esenţiale cuprinse în noul model-cadru al contractului individual de muncă
Numărul 2 Anul 2023
The new amendments and completions to the Labour Code brought by the adoption of Law no. 283/2022 required the adoption of a new framework model of the individual employment contract. It was established by the Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity no. 2171/2022 and is made available to employees and employers by publication on the website of the Labour Inspection. For the proper development of labour relations, the parti...
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Consideraţii privind practica recentă a instanţelor de judecată în materia abuzului în serviciu
Numărul 2 Anul 2023
Decision no. 405/2016 of the Constitutional Court of Romania established new standards of clarity and predictability in the matter of abuse of office, related to the duties of the active subject of this crime. If, immediately after the appearance of this reference decision, the issue of the impossibility of mentioning, exclusively by means of a primary legislative act, the duties of the service, transforming the normative act into a real job d...
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Dreptul la muncă al persoanelor majore cu dizabilităţi psihosociale și intelectuale din perspectiva evoluţiei contextului socio-juridic și al modificărilor legislative intervenite prin Legea nr. 140/2022
This study aims to highlight the legislative evolution in the field of equal protection and recognition before the law of persons with disabilities. Historically, in the legal systems worldwide, people with disabilities stand out among all the groups that have been arbitrarily and prejudicially denied the right to full legal capacity. Not all forms of disability cause changes in legal capacity, but only psychosocial and intellectual disabilitie...
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