Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: preaviz

Încetarea contractului individual de muncă în perioada de probă
By art. 31 paragraph 3 of the Labor Code introduced a simple and quick way to terminate the individual employment contract, at the initiative of either of the two contracting parties (employer or employee). According to this text, the respective contract can be terminated exclusively, during or at the end of the trial period by a written notification, without notice at the initiative of either party. Without needing to justify it.
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Pandemia de COVID-19 și dreptul muncii
The Covid-19 pandemic, which led to the establishment of a state of emergency and alert on the territory of our country, also had a significant impact on labour law.The impact has determined the issuance of legal rules derogating from the legislation in force, with temporary applicability, corresponding to the duration of the health crisis. The aim of the legislature was to support employers as well as ...
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Pandemia de COVID-19 și dreptul muncii
The Covid-19 pandemic, which led to the establishment of a state of emergency and alert on the territory of our country, also had a significant impact on labour law. The impact has determined the issuance of legal rules derogating from the legislation in force, with temporary applicability, corresponding to the duration of the health crisis. The aim of the legislature was to support employers as well as employees so that they could continue th...
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Problematica concedierii salariatului în legătură cu reducerea numărului sau a statelor de personal în legislația Republicii Moldova
This study analyzes the legal procedure for dismissing the employee as a result of the reduction in the number of staff or posts of the unit in the light of the Labour Code of the Republic of Moldova. The authors have elucidated the conditions that the employer must comply with when operating such a dismissal. Moreover, it is concluded that the operation of selecting employees for dismissal in accordance with the stated legal basis falls under...
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