Contractul individual de muncă pe perioadă determinată în sistemul de drept românesc
04 01 2024
The article examines the individual fixed-term employment contract in the context of the Romanian legislation, highlighting its definition, distinctive features and legal characteristics. The contract must be concluded in written form and include essential elements such as the duration, object of work and salary conditions. The employee benefits from the same rights as in the case of the contract for an indefinite period. The individua...
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Încetarea contractului individual de muncă în perioada de probă
05 01 2023
By art. 31 paragraph 3 of the Labor Code introduced a simple and quick way to terminate the individual employment contract, at the initiative of either of the two contracting parties (employer or employee).
According to this text, the respective contract can be terminated exclusively, during or at the end of the trial period by a written notification, without notice at the initiative of either party. Without needing to justify it...
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10 clauze esenţiale cuprinse în noul model-cadru al contractului individual de muncă
02 01 2023
The new amendments and completions to the Labour Code brought by the adoption of Law no. 283/2022 required the adoption of a new framework model of the individual employment contract. It was established by the Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity no. 2171/2022 and is made available to employees and employers by publication on the website of the Labour Inspection.
For the proper development of labour relations, th...
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Confuzii cu repetiţie între concediere şi încetarea contractului individual de muncă în perioada de probă
06 01 2020
This article is generated by a case decided by the courts specialized in settling employment disputes in Bucharest and by the comments on this topic published in the journal Dreptul no. 10/2020.
It is noted, which is an error, that the courts confused dismissal with the termination of the individual employment contract during the trial period. On the contrary, these are two distinct ways of permanently term...
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