Conceptul de lucrător – noi dimensiuni
06 01 2023
The study aims to present and explain the concept of worker, as regulated by the European Union, by national rules, and as it results from the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
As mentioned above, in a narrow sense, a worker means a person who performs subordinate work for a beneficiary, in exchange for remuneration. In a broad sense, the term in question also concerns other persons: those looking for a job...
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Conceptul de lucrător – noi dimensiuni
06 01 2023
The study aims to present and explain the concept of worker, as regulated by the European Union, by national rules, and as it results from the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
As mentioned above, in a narrow sense, a worker means a person who performs subordinate work for a beneficiary, in exchange for remuneration. In a broad sense, the term in question also concerns other persons: those looking for a job, ...
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Considerații privind timpul de lucru al lucrătorilor din domeniul medical prin prisma normelor europene și a jurisprudenței Curții de Justiție a Uniunii Europene
05 01 2017
The meaning of the concept of „worker” and „working time”, both in general and in particular for certain areas of activity, has been outlined and explained within the framework of the Union’s rules and CJEU jurisprudence. The jurisprudence of the Court on the working time of healthcare workers is of particular importance for the correct application of the provisions of Directive 2003/88/EC. One of the controversial situations on which ...
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O nouă interpretare dată conceptului de „lucrător” de Curtea de Justiție a Uniunii Europene
02 01 2017
The concept of „worker” has been defined over time by the Court of Justice of the European Union in the framework of the free movement that is recognized and granted to him, through a vast jurisprudence. The Court’s intervention was necessary because the lack of a unitary community meaning of the notion would have allowed the Member States to limit the field of application of the principle of free movement of persons and workforce by res...
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