Competenţa soluţionării conflictelor/litigiilor de muncă
03 01 2023
The repeal of the Law on social dialogue no. 62/2011 (and its replacement by Law no. 367/2022) also meant the removal of the text (under art. 210) according to which the settlement of labour disputes in the first instance expressly lay with the tribunals.
Under the new conditions, it is necessary to establish this competence based on the general regulatory framework (in particular, art. 94 and art. 95 of the Civil Proc. Code), bu...
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Calitatea procesuală activă a federaţiei sindicale și competenţa de soluţionarea cauzei în situaţia în care acţiunea este promovată de federaţie în numele și pentru membrii de sindicat
03 01 2023
The article aims to analyze the active procedural capacity of the trade union federation and the establishment of the jurisdiction of the court in the case of a claim filed by the federation on behalf of and for the trade union members of one of the trade unions affiliated to it.
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