Consideraţii privind interdicţia expresă a clauzei de confidenţialitate în contractul individual de muncă al personalului contractual din administraţia publică
06 01 2020
The express prohibition of the confidentiality clause in the individual employment agreement for the contractual personnel from the public administration results from the provisions of the Administrative Code. On the other hand, the obligation to respect the confidentiality of information exempted from free access to information of public interest is maintained.
In other words, the provisions on confidentiality in...
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Răspunderea disciplinară a funcţionarilor publici
06 01 2020
In this article, the author analyzes the disciplinary liability of civil servants – a form of legal liability. Disciplinary offenses committed by this category of staff, sanctions and the procedure for their application shall be taken into account.
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Sistemul contractelor individuale de muncă din sectorul privat și public versus sistemul actelor administrative de numire în funcţia publică
05 01 2020
To the typology of individual labor contracts in the private and public sector traditionally regulated by the Labor Code and other relevant normative acts, new individual labor contracts for public administration have been added through the Administrative Code, which has also produced a slight diversification also with regard to the administrative act of appointment to public office.
All these contracts are part of a large system of ind...
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Răspunderea civilă a funcţionarilor publici
05 01 2020
In this article, the author analyzes the civil liability of civil servants – a form of legal liability that resides in a legal relationship of obligations in which the responsible person must repair the unfair damage suffered by another person. The conditions and cases of civil liability, as well as the procedure for establishing and recovering damages, are taken into account.
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