Articole din categoria: Numărul 2

10 clauze esenţiale cuprinse în noul model-cadru al contractului individual de muncă
Numărul 2 Anul 2023
The new amendments and completions to the Labour Code brought by the adoption of Law no. 283/2022 required the adoption of a new framework model of the individual employment contract. It was established by the Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity no. 2171/2022 and is made available to employees and employers by publication on the website of the Labour Inspection. For the proper development of labour relations, the parti...
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Consideraţii privind practica recentă a instanţelor de judecată în materia abuzului în serviciu
Numărul 2 Anul 2023
Decision no. 405/2016 of the Constitutional Court of Romania established new standards of clarity and predictability in the matter of abuse of office, related to the duties of the active subject of this crime. If, immediately after the appearance of this reference decision, the issue of the impossibility of mentioning, exclusively by means of a primary legislative act, the duties of the service, transforming the normative act into a real job d...
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Dreptul la muncă al persoanelor majore cu dizabilităţi psihosociale și intelectuale din perspectiva evoluţiei contextului socio-juridic și al modificărilor legislative intervenite prin Legea nr. 140/2022
This study aims to highlight the legislative evolution in the field of equal protection and recognition before the law of persons with disabilities. Historically, in the legal systems worldwide, people with disabilities stand out among all the groups that have been arbitrarily and prejudicially denied the right to full legal capacity. Not all forms of disability cause changes in legal capacity, but only psychosocial and intellectual disabilitie...
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Consideraţii cu privire la prevederi legale aplicabile personalului contractual din autorităţile și instituţiile publice
The purpose of this article is to present the legislation applicable to contractual staff from within public institutions and authorities. Keywords: contractual staff, public institutions, public authorities
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„Victimizarea” – precaritatea actualului concept normativ
Numărul 2 Anul 2023
The article debates the regulation of the concept of victimization in the national legislation, while also analyzing the regulations of European law with an impact on the definition of this term. The author concludes that a rethinking of the regulation is necessary so that revenge entailed by acts lacking legal force acquires the value of victimization (for example, a memorandum). The circumstance of the violation of the principle of non-discr...
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Curtea Europeană a Drepturilor Omuluiși soluţii ale acesteia
The European Court of Human Rights is a higher court than the national ones, to which the litigants from the member countries of the Council of Europe, dissatisfied with the fi nal solutions handed down by the national courts, can appeal. The referral to the Court takes place with strict compliance with the elements provided in art. 47 of the Regulation. The lack of such an element, even the last signature, makes the request inadmissib...
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Legea aplicabilă contractului individual de muncă cu element de extraneitate. Privire specială asupra șoferilor de camioane
The judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 15 July 2021, in cases C-158/20 and C-218/20, called into question the law applicable to the individual employment contract with an element of foreignness, with special regard to Romanian truck drivers road transport activities in other European countries. In such a case, the applicable legislation shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 12...
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Detașarea polițiștilor în cadrul unităților de parchet
Numărul 2 Anul 2022
The socio-economic or professional realities encountered on the labour market have shown that the institution of posting is not theoretical and virtual, but useful, real and very common on this market. Quite often, employers ask each other for help in lending, for a certain period of time, qualified labour in order to achieve the proposed economic goal or to provide services to the population, if their own staff is insufficient or, for certain ...
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Caracterul temporar al misiunii temporare. Prelungiri succesive, între legalitate și abuz
Numărul 2 Anul 2022
This article summarizes two decisions of the European Court of Justice with relevance to the temporary nature of the temporary work assignment. A brief overview of the relevant legislation for the cases analyzed is made, taking as examples states such as Italy and Germany, the decisions of the CJEU on requests for preliminary rulings submitted by the national courts of these states. Finally, short conclusions are presented. ...
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Analiza teoretică și practică asupra calității de subiect activ al infracțiunilor de corupție a funcționarului bancar în sensul asimilării acestuia funcționarului public
Numărul 2 Anul 2022
The quality of the active subject of the bribery offense that can be retained to the bank clerk is based on the logical-legal argument that the duties he performs are subject to the control of a public authority, which recognizes that at least in terms of the importance of this activity type of official we place ourselves in an area of authority and public interest. If at the beginning the legislator placed the bank clerk among the private pe...
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