Răspunderea juridică a personalului din învăţământul superior pentru nerespectarea regimului conflictului de interese potrivit Legii nr. 199/2023
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
Incompatibility is a state of discordance arising „between two functions or professions”, a situation that will lead to the assumption that the same person cannot exercise or occupy them simultaneously. From a temporal point of view, the incompatibility lasts, as a state of affairs, from the moment when the person concerned is formally entitled to exercise both functions/qualities/activities until the moment when one of them...
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Răspunderea juridică a personalului din învățământul superior pentru nerespectarea regimului conflictului de interese potrivit Legii nr. 199/2023
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
The situation of conflicts of interest has raised concerns not only domestically but also internationally, forming the subject of specific regulations, from which higher education is not and should not be an exception. The staff in higher education has rights and duties deriving from the university charter, from the Code of ethics and university deontology, from the individual employment contract, as well as from the legislation in forc...
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Răspunderea juridică a comisiei de susținere publică a tezei de doctorat pentru încălcarea dispozițiilor legale în procesul de elaborare a acesteia, potrivit legii învățământului superior
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
University ethics and deontology is certainly a complex and important field in academia. This refers to a set of principles and norms that regulate the behavior and actions of those involved in this process, a process in which students, teachers, researchers and administrative staff participate. In essence, by complying with these norms of university ethics and deontology, the aim is to promote integrity, honesty, responsibility, justic...
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Răspunderea juridică a studentului‑doctorand pentru încălcarea dispozițiilor legale în procesul de elaborare a tezei de doctorat potrivit noii legi a învățământului superior
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
Freedom of research enables the expansion of the boundaries of knowledge, recognizing researchers right to freedom of thought, expression and the possibility of choosing methods to approach problems, respecting recognized ethical principles and practices. The global academic community strongly opposes and uses all legal means to combat harmful behavior that undermines genuine scientific research conducted honestly and for the benefit of ...
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Răspunderea juridică a comisiei de susținere publică a tezei de doctorat pentru încălcarea dispozițiilor legale în procesul de elaborare a acesteia, potrivit legii învățământului superior
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
University ethics and deontology is certainly a complex and important field in academia. This refers to a set of principles and norms that regulate the behavior and actions of those involved in this process, a process in which students, teachers, researchers and administrative staff participate. In essence, by complying with these norms of university ethics and deontology, the aim is to promote integrity, honesty, responsibility, justic...
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Răspunderea juridică a studentului‑doctorand pentru încălcarea dispozițiilor legale în procesul de elaborare a tezei de doctorat potrivit noii legi a învățământului superior
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
Freedom of research enables the expansion of the boundaries of knowledge, recognizing researchers right to freedom of thought, expression and the possibility of choosing methods to approach problems, respecting recognized ethical principles and practices. The global academic community strongly opposes and uses all legal means to combat harmful behavior that undermines genuine scientific research conducted honestly and for the benefit of...
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Considerații privind modificarea cadrului legislativ privind detașarea salariaților în cadrul prestării de servicii transnaționale
Numărul 2 Anul 2021
At present, the extremely dynamic environment for the provision of services at transnational level requires an increasing number of entities to temporarily second employees to the territory of a State other than the State in which they are normally employed. In this context, the acquisition of a transnational dimension by labor relations often raises problems as to the legislation applicable to these labor relations.
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Reflecţii asupra muncii suplimentare și repausului săptămânal
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
The legal regime of the work performed on the weekly rest days is regulated by norms related to two legal institutions, respectively those that regulate the additional work, on the one hand, and those that concern the weekly rest, on the other hand.
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Rolul expertului în legislaţia muncii în respectarea drepturilor, îndatoririlor și intereselor legitime ale părţilor
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
According to art. 17 para. 6 of the Labor Code when negotiating, concluding or amending the individual employment contract, any of the parties may be assisted by third parties, according to their own option, respecting the confidentiality of the information provided. This confidentiality must be ensured in accordance with the new provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal...
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