Repausul zilnic și repausul săptămânal – forme ale timpului de odihnă
02 01 2023
Daily rest and weekly rest are forms of rest time, each with its own physiognomy and purpose. At the same time, they constitute employee/worker rights that must be strictly respected by the employer.
The rule is that the daily rest precedes the weekly; the first does not intersect with the second, but they are cumulative as ruled by the Court of Justice of the European Union by the Decision of March 2, 2023.
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Reflecţii asupra muncii suplimentare și repausului săptămânal
01 01 2021
The legal regime of the work performed on the weekly rest days is regulated by norms related to two legal institutions, respectively those that regulate the additional work, on the one hand, and those that concern the weekly rest, on the other hand.
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