Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: relații de muncă

Ghidul privind prevenirea și combaterea hărțuirii la locul de muncă – o nouă provocare a angajatorilor și lucrătorilor deopotrivă
The Decision of the Government of Romania no. 970 for the approval of the METHODOLOGY regarding the prevention and combating of harassment on grounds of sex, as well as moral harassment in the workplace, brought back to the fore a sensitive subject in labour relations in Romania. This normative act should have been a genuine work tool necessary for professionals in the management of labour relations. However, after analyzing the formulation a...
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Consecințele schimbărilor climatice asupra forței de muncă
The present work aims to carry out an analysis of the effects that climate change can have on the workforce, capturing the new dynamics in the field of labor relations, in the current context. It is evident that the global phenomenon of climate change brings with it numerous negative aspects that can be found in all fields and in all aspects of human life. At the center of these changes is man, in his complexity, who is both a victim of climat...
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Promovarea angajării şi a muncii decente într-o lume în schimbare
The article analyses the main issues addressed in the study Promouvoir l’emploi et le travail decent dans un monde en mutation presented by the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations at the 109th Session of the International Labour Conference (2020). It approaches the future of work in the context of globalization, climate change and environmental concerns, the evolution of technological innovations...
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