AI în recrutare: Nevoia de echilibru între inovaţie și conformitatea cu GDPR și noul AI Act
04 01 2024
The new AI Act that was recently passed in the European Union, the first-ever comprehensive legal framework on AI in the world, will most certainly raise problems comparable to the ones GDPR caused, due to its complexity and its projected significant impact.
Given that the development of AI systems involves the collection of an extremely large volume of data especially in the initial phase of mapping and training, but ...
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Prestarea unei activităţi profesionale într-o situaţie atipică
05 01 2023
The aims of the article are to analyse an atypical situation, derogating from the provisions of the Labor Code for the provision of a professional activity within a public institution.
public institution, atypica...
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Soluţii privind desfăşurarea raporturilor de muncă în contextul digitalizării şi flexibilizării lor
03 01 2020
Labor relations in the 4th industrial revolution, as it is now called or Industry 4.0 is characterized by the increasingly rapid and complex digitization of the way of working. The worker is being helped more and more by digital systems, by artificial intelligence.
Labor relations undergo notable changes compared to what we were taught. Digitization helps us to make more flexible our jobs, our work schedule, to work in a different way t...
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Clarificări privind capacitatea de muncă a minorului
03 01 2017
In this article, we have analyzed the working capacity of the minor, in according to the special provisions stipulated in the Labour Code, as well as to the provisions of substantive law, in order to emphasize the need to assign anticipated legal capacity to the minor, as an actor of labor relations, due to the superior discernment he proves to have in relation with other minors by assuming the rights and the exercise of the obligations related...
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