Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: raporturi de muncă

Particularităţile sarcinii probei în litigiile de contencios administrativ
This article aims to identify the particularities that affect the burden of proof in disputes judged according to the rules governed by the Administrative Litigation Law no. 554/2004, in correspondence with the analysis of the legislator’s will regarding the mentioned institution which, over time, during the civil process, granted the public authorities, in the disputes concerning public officials, an atypical position compared to the civil cas...
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Competenţa soluţionării conflictelor/litigiilor de muncă
The repeal of the Law on social dialogue no. 62/2011 (and its replacement by Law no. 367/2022) also meant the removal of the text (under art. 210) according to which the settlement of labour disputes in the first instance expressly lay with the tribunals. Under the new conditions, it is necessary to establish this competence based on the general regulatory framework (in particular, art. 94 and art. 95 of the Civil Proc. Code), but also ...
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Munca zilierilor
Through Law no. 86/2018 was emended the regulation of day labourer work brought by Law no. 52/2011. It is expressly provided that the day labourer are in working relationships with the beneficiaries of their activity and that these relations are established by the agreement of the parties, without the conclusion, in writing, of an individual labor contract. The law provides rights and obligations ...
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