Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: raport de serviciu

Scurte consideraţii privind raporturile juridice de muncă ale magistraţilor
03 01 2022
The performance of work is carried out within social relations which, once regulated by legal norms, become, as a rule, legal labor relations. This category includes the employment (service) relationships of civil or military civil servants, of soldiers and volunteer ranks, of persons holding public dignity, of magistrates and assistant magistrates, of specialized auxiliary staff in courts and prosecutor’s offices on in addition to thes...
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Noţiunile de „funcţionar public”, „salariat” şi „personal contractual” în viziunea Codului administrativ şi din perspectiva corelaţiei cu alte acte normative
The present study aims to analyze the meaning of the notions of „civil servant”, „employee” and „contractual staff” in the vision of the Administrative Code. This normative act enshrined for the first time, in the legislative history of Romania, legal rules applicable to all categories of staff working in the public administration. Such a situation reveals a recognition by the legislator of the fact that, beyond the different leg...
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Unele aspecte de noutate în privinţa raportului de muncă (de serviciu) al politiştilor de penitenciare
Law no. 145/2019, which regulates the special status of penitentiary police officers, conferred by the nature of the work tasks that involve special duties and risks, expressly repealed Law no. 293/2004 on the Statute of civil servants with special status in the National Administration of Penitentiaries. The new regulation has a series of provisions regarding the penitentiary police officers who are vested with the exercise of publ...
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Responsabilul cu protecția datelor (DPO) – funcționar public sau personal contractual?
02 01 2018
The Data Protection Officer is not a new institution, being previously provided for in the text of the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC. The Regulation (EU) 2016/679 recognizes this position as a key-actor within the new Data Protection system both through the obligation of its nomination by the public authorities or organisms, or by operators or persons designated by them, and through its professional experience and preparation, respectivel...
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