Dimensiunile incluziunii sociale
06 01 2023
This paper defines the concepts of social inclusion and exclusion and poverty and highlights the interactions among them with a view to identifying ways of action that would contribute to enhancing social inclusion and limiting social marginalization while focusing on social security measures.
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Dimensiunile incluziunii sociale
06 01 2023
This paper defines the concepts of social inclusion and exclusion and poverty and highlights the interactions among them with a view to identifying ways of action that would contribute to enhancing social inclusion and limiting social marginalization while focusing on social security measures.
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Incluziunea socială – strategii, abordări teoretice și practice
03 01 2023
The work aims to analyze the provisions of Law no. 196/2016 regarding the minimum insertion income, in the context of European and national regulations regarding strategies to promote the social inclusion of disadvantaged categories. Within the current Romanian social policies, the mentioned regulation is included as a norm aimed at introducing a modern program, which will correlate the already existing programs, offering more generous...
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