Legea nr. 273/2004 privind procedura adopţiei. Concediu de acomodare comentat prin prisma adopţiei interne şi internaţionale. Asemănări şi deosebiri
06 01 2020
In its general sense, the term of leave determines any period of time in which employees are not required, according to the law, to perform work. As a result, all holidays are form of leisure, but not of leisure time. Theoretical and practical leave of accommodation is the result of the adoption of the Law no. 273/2004, which stipulates the right of obligation of employers and employees, similar to those regulated by the Labor Code. ...
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Concediu de acomodare rezultat al Legii nr. 273/2004 privind procedura adopţiei
03 01 2019
In its general sense, the terms of leave determines any period of time in which employees are not required, according to the law, to perform work. As a result, all holidays are a form of leisure, but not of leisure time. Theoretical and practical leave of accomodation is de result of the adoption of the Law no. 273/2004, which stipulates the right of obligation of employers and employees, similar to those regulated by the Labor Cod...
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Munca zilierilor
03 01 2018
Through Law no. 86/2018 was emended the regulation of day labourer work brought by Law no. 52/2011.
It is expressly provided that the day labourer are in working relationships with the beneficiaries of their activity and that these relations are established by the agreement of the parties, without the conclusion, in writing, of an individual labor contract.
The law provides rights and obligations ...
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