Universul muncii în schimbare. Confluenţa dreptului muncii românesc cu dreptul european al muncii
05 01 2023
Labour is, by its unique specificity and identity, the defining force that empowers human societies that include people that are similarly defined by their own particular and identity-related features. At the same time, labour is performed as an essentially social process as it is both the result of individual accumulations of knowledge, aptitudes, skills and competences and a consequence of the individual’s interaction with others...
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Consideraţii juridice privind Cauza C-644/19, Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” Sibiu e.a.
04 01 2020
The article aims to highlight the particular considerations of the author regarding the request for a preliminary ruling in Case C-644/19, „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu etc.
In this way, the author seeks to analyze and issue legally reasoned opinions on the subject-matter of the reference in question, namely:
– whether there is discrimination within the meaning of European Union law as regards the employer’s ability to disti...
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