Considerații juridice privind Cauza C-301/21, Curtea de Apel Alba Iulia e.a.
05 01 2021
The article aims to highlight the particular considerations of the author regarding the request for a preliminary ruling in Case C-301/21, Alba Iulia Court of Appeal, etc.
The author seeks to analyze and issue legally reasoned opinions on the subject-matter of the reference in question, namely:
– Union law allows the period of 3 years for the formulation of the claim to run exclusively from the date of occurrence of the da...
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Particularităţi privind analiza practică a discriminării în domeniul muncii. Cazul discriminării prin concediere a membrilor de sindicat
05 01 2019
The article presents the author’s particular considerations regarding the technical legal way of analyzing and finding a discrimination confined to a specific case of discrimination in the field of work.
The object of the case is to find a discrimination in the workplace on the criterion of union membership or membership, under the aspect of two facts, one consisting of the employer disagreement regarding the formation of a union...
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