Digitalizarea în sectorul agricol
03 01 2024
Digitization is a global phenomenon that has penetrated all sectors of activity. Agriculture has become a field where digitization has found specific forms of manifestation starting from simple forms such as adding controllers and GPS to existing field machines and variable spreading rate technologies (VRT) to robots, drones, and driverless vehicle technology and Internet of Things (IoT) technology. All these forms of manifestation of artific...
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Conceptul de lucrător – noi dimensiuni
06 01 2023
The study aims to present and explain the concept of worker, as regulated by the European Union, by national rules, and as it results from the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
As mentioned above, in a narrow sense, a worker means a person who performs subordinate work for a beneficiary, in exchange for remuneration. In a broad sense, the term in question also concerns other persons: those looking for a job, the u...
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Conceptul de lucrător – noi dimensiuni
06 01 2023
The study aims to present and explain the concept of worker, as regulated by the European Union, by national rules, and as it results from the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
As mentioned above, in a narrow sense, a worker means a person who performs subordinate work for a beneficiary, in exchange for remuneration. In a broad sense, the term in question also concerns other persons: those looking for a job, the une...
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Dreptul la muncă un drept „viu”și fundamental al omului. Evoluţie și transformări 2003-2023
03 01 2023
75 years since the United Nations Organization voted on the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, on December 10, 1948, this paper is Part I of a synthesis of the evolution and development of the labour law from 2003, when the Labour Code was adopted, until October 2022; the focus is on the changes that were triggered by the SARS CoV-2 crisis. Part II, to be published in the next issue, shall further address the modifications that ensued fro...
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Locurile de muncă în contextul actual al digitalizării
04 01 2021
The development of digitization, including artificial intelligence, has increased greatly, especially at a time when the need to protect workers in companies has increased and is more isolated, however, there is a need to continue their work.
Artificial intelligence, self-learning algorithms, natural language processing, portable devices, ‘smart’ machines, it already means the future of collaboration between people and technology. ...
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Piaţa muncii în contextul dezvoltării sistemelor digitale
06 01 2019
The fourth industrial revolution, as it is now called, or Industry 4.0 is characterized by the digitization of industrial processes, leading to a transfer of decision-making autonomy to digital intelligent systems, to artificial intelligence.
Digitization can bring major benefits to companies, robotization, intelligent systems, icloud services are an important factor that can contribute to the efficiency of the activity. However, one sho...
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