Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: contract de muncă

Contractul individual de muncă pe perioadă determinată în sistemul de drept românesc
The article examines the individual fixed-term employment contract in the context of the Romanian legislation, highlighting its definition, distinctive features and legal characteristics. The contract must be concluded in written form and include essential elements such as the duration, object of work and salary conditions. The employee benefits from the same rights as in the case of the contract for an indefinite period. The individua...
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Demersuri pentru un drept al muncii ecologic
In the present article, it is proposed that labor law, through its specificity as a regulator of labor relations, should contain ecological norms that contribute to the improvement of the phenomena characteristic of the environmental crisis. To consider the obligations of economic agents, in their capacity as an employer, to ensure to a greater extent the health and safety of workers by reducing, even eliminating environmental risks fro...
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Raportul de muncă în domeniul pescuitului maritim
The employment relation in the case of the fisherman may be carried out on the basis of the individual employment contract concluded between the fisherman and the vessel owner or the temporary employment contract concluded between the private employment agency and the fisherman, to make him available to a fishing vessel owner. Fishermen must comply with orders of the ship master and the applicable occupational safety and health measures...
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Despre contractul de internship, din perspectiva recentei sale legiferări în România
The mechanism of cooperation between students or fresh graduates, on the one hand, and employers (companies and legal entities set up for the purpose of profit), on the other hand, is known and used in many countries of the world. Recently, through Law no. 176/2018 was legalized also in Romania this new sort of legal relationship. The emergence of this normative act has generated sometimes divergent views on opportunity, ...
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Responsabilul cu protecția datelor (DPO) – funcționar public sau personal contractual?
02 01 2018
The Data Protection Officer is not a new institution, being previously provided for in the text of the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC. The Regulation (EU) 2016/679 recognizes this position as a key-actor within the new Data Protection system both through the obligation of its nomination by the public authorities or organisms, or by operators or persons designated by them, and through its professional experience and preparation, resp...
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