Consideraţii cu privire la natura juridică a contractului de internship
Numărul 4 Anul 2019
Since the entry into force of Law no. 176/2018 on internship, different points of view regarding the legal nature of this contract have been formulated in the legal doctrine.
This study opts for the characterization of the internship contract as a sui generis contract, which is part of the category of contracts conventionally called employment law contracts (and not employment contracts).
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Trăsăturile specifice esenţiale ale contractului individual de muncă şi autonomia dreptului muncii
Numărul 4 Anul 2018
The study analyzes the features of the individual employment contract, which distinguish it from civil contracts of service provision. It presents only those features that are exclusive and therefore relevant to this contract (legal subordination, legal status of the employee, legal prohibition for the employee to transfer part of his rights, etc.) and not those it shares wi...
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Consideraţii practice cu privire la cercetarea disciplinară prealabilă a salariaţilor
Numărul 6 Anul 2017
Through numerous decisions of the courts rendered in the settlements of labour conflicts having object petitions against the sanction decision had been annulated the disciplinary sanction acts, given that the violation by the employer of the rules regarding the disciplinary inquiry. In the present study, it is analysed the succession of the juridical operations that must be undertaken in the stage of the disciplinary inquiry and there ar...
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Consideraţii practice cu privire la cercetarea disciplinară prealabilă a salariaţilor
Numărul 6 Anul 2017
Through numerous decisions of the courts rendered in the settlements of labour conflicts having object petitions against the sanction decision had been annulated the disciplinary sanction acts, given that the violation by the employer of the rules regarding the disciplinary inquiry. In the present study, it is analysed the succession of the juridical operations that must be undertaken in the stage of the disciplinary inquiry and there a...
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