Articole de la același autor Mădălina ANGHENIE

Câteva considerații cu privire la regimul juridic al transferului angajaților cetățeni străini care prestează muncă pe teritoriul României în condițiile Legii nr. 67/2006
Numărul 2 Anul 2019
The transfer of employees – foreign citizens – that render work on the territory of Romania, as per the provisions of Law no. 67/2006, represents a particular situation that is not expressly regulated, which needs clarifications as regards its implementation, especially with respect to the formalities to which the new employer is compelled to in relation with the General Immigration Office. Without setting out the aim of an exhaustive a...
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Scurtă analiză privind condiţiile și procedura de acordare a repausului săptămânal cumulat
Numărul 5 Anul 2018
Labour Code provides under Art. 137 (4) the possibility of granting the weekly rest days cumulatively, after a continuous work period that may not exceed 14 calendar days, with the authorization of the territorial labour inspectorate and the approval of the union or, by case, of the employees’ representatives. The conditions and the procedure of the approval of the territorial labour inspectorate for granting the weekly rest days cumul...
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Scurtă analiză privind criteriile utilizate pentru recalificarea convenţiilor civile în contracte individuale de muncă
Numărul 4 Anul 2018
The Labour Inspection has the right to establish whether the activity performed based on a different type of contract than a labour contract is actually rendered in the conditions of a labour relation. The labour legislation does not provide for the criteria based on which the Labour Inspection may conduct the re-qualification or for the consequences of such re-qualification. It is necessary that such criteria and consequences of re-qu...
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