Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: obligaţii

Respectarea de către angajat a obligaţiei de fidelitate faţă de angajatori în condiţiile cumulului de funcţii ca urmare a transpunerii Directivei (UE) nr. 2019/1152 a Parlamentului European și a Consiliului din 20 iunie 2019 privind transparenţa și previzibilitatea condiţiilor de muncă în Uniunea Europeană în legislaţia internă
Law no. 283 of 17 October 2022 for the amendment and completion of Law no. 53/2003 – Labour Code, as well as Government Emergency Ordinancep no. 57/2019 on the Administrative Code published in the Official Gazette no. 1013 of 19 October 2022 aimed at the transposition of Directive (EU) 2019/1152 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union. Directive (EU)...
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Aspecte controversate cu privire la noua reglementare a telemuncii
Telecommuting is a way of doing a work on the basis of a special type of labour contract. Both the telecommuting and the teleworker have to fulfill a number of conditions governed by the law. In addition, there are a number of special obligations under this type of labour contract, both for the employer and for the employee. Telecommu...
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