Pandemia de COVID-19 și dreptul muncii
01 01 2022
The Covid-19 pandemic, which led to the establishment of a state of emergency and alert on the territory of our country, also had a significant impact on labour law.The impact has determined the issuance of legal rules derogating from the legislation in force, with temporary applicability, corresponding to the duration of the health crisis. The aim of the legislature was to support employers as w...
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Pandemia de COVID-19 și dreptul muncii
01 01 2022
The Covid-19 pandemic, which led to the establishment of a state of emergency and alert on the territory of our country, also had a significant impact on labour law. The impact has determined the issuance of legal rules derogating from the legislation in force, with temporary applicability, corresponding to the duration of the health crisis. The aim of the legislature was to support employers as well as employees so that they could cont...
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Asemănări şi deosebiri între contractul individual de telemuncă şi contractul individual de muncă la domiciliu – cu accent pe abrogarea lit. c) de la alin. (2) al art. 5 din Legea nr. 81/2018 –
04 01 2021
Starting from the most important similarities between the individual telework agreement and the individual work from home employment agreement, we want to point out, that as regards the differences, the most important one with many implications relating to other differences, which, moreover, was originally based on an important similarity linked to the place of work (an element which confers the specificity of work from home), we believ...
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Consideraţii generale privind reglementarea muncii la domiciliu în administraţia publică din România prin Codul administrativ
06 01 2019
The administrative code adopted recently by GEO no. 57/2019, provides, finally, as a novelty for the Romanian public administration, the possibility of working at home only for the staff employed under a contract and not for the civil officers, as it is necessary to make a distinction between these who, are rather located in a „grey area”.
The economics of the text of law refers to the common law regulations...
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