Aplicarea prevederilor legale în managementul resurselor umane
03 01 2019
The Human Resources Departments’ management tasks can be divided in relation to the following main activities, such as: efficient management and administration according to legislation, abilities acquisition and development and employee loyalty. Some of the human resources management activities necessitate the management requirements. However, most of the human management activities are ruled, in particular, by labor law norms. The...
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Organizarea, funcționarea și atribuțiile compartimentelor de resurse umane în Franța
06 01 2018
In recent years, in order to ensure their sustainability, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in France have been increasingly obliged to employ competent staff to motivate them and to be prepared to outface with the growing challenges of in the workplace. In this context, the objective of the representatives of the Ministry of Economy together with the representatives of the University of Applied Sciences in Business Psychology in Franc...
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