Răspunderea juridică a personalului din învăţământul superior pentru nerespectarea regimului conflictului de interese potrivit Legii nr. 199/2023
04 01 2024
Incompatibility is a state of discordance arising „between two functions or professions”, a situation that will lead to the assumption that the same person cannot exercise or occupy them simultaneously. From a temporal point of view, the incompatibility lasts, as a state of affairs, from the moment when the person concerned is formally entitled to exercise both functions/qualities/activities until the moment when one of them ceases...
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Consideraţii privind standardele ce ar trebui stabilite de universităţi pentru ocuparea posturilor didactice
04 01 2018
We want to draw attention in this material to the issue of the minimal standards – at national and university level – necessary for the occupation of all teaching positions in higher education – both from internal and external source.
They must be analyzed in the system, since the standar...
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