Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: interpretare teleologică

Interpretarea normei juridice: studiu de caz – refuzul instanţelor de a prelungi detașarea specialiștilor antifraudă în cadrul unităţilor de parchet
The interpretation of legal norms represents the process by which their meaning is determined in order to apply them in practice. This process is essential in any legal system, including Romanian law, because it allows the settlement of legal issues and ensures consistency in the application of legal norms. In Romanian law, the interpretation of legal norms is carried out by the authorities and the courts, in the proceedings. In this regard, t...
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Asemănări şi deosebiri între contractul individual de telemuncă şi contractul individual de muncă la domiciliu – cu accent pe abrogarea lit. c) de la alin. (2) al art. 5 din Legea nr. 81/2018 –
Starting from the most important similarities between the individual telework agreement and the individual work from home employment agreement, we want to point out, that as regards the differences, the most important one with many implications relating to other differences, which, moreover, was originally based on an important similarity linked to the place of work (an element which confers the specificity of work from home), we believe that ...
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