Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: conflicte de muncă

Revizuirea – cale extraordinară de atac în soluţionarea conflictelor de muncă
The revision is an extraordinary appeal of withdrawal and unsustainable of execution, which is exercised against the decisions pronounced on the merits or which evokes the merits and the reasons for revision are expressly and limitingly provided by art. 509 para. 1 pt. 1-11 C. pr. civ.
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Apelul în soluționarea conflictelor de muncă
The appeal is the only ordinary remedy provided by the Code of Civil Procedure – article 466-482; is the procedural means by which the party dissatisfied with the solution given by the first instance, in civil disputes, as well as in labor disputes, invests the higher court (court of appeal, in the matter discussed) with the control of the decision of the first instance (court).
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