Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: clauză de confidenţialitate

Consideraţii privind interdicţia expresă a clauzei de confidenţialitate în contractul individual de muncă al personalului contractual din administraţia publică
The express prohibition of the confidentiality clause in the individual employment agreement for the contractual personnel from the public administration results from the provisions of the Administrative Code. On the other hand, the obligation to respect the confidentiality of information exempted from free access to information of public interest is maintained. In other words, the provisions on confidentiality in...
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Întinderea protecţiei datelor şi a informaţiilor aduse la cunoştinţa părţilor pe durata raportului juridic de muncă
Throughout the duration of the individual employment contract, both the employee and the employer enter in possession of data and information of a private nature, pertaining to the partner in the employment relationship. This type of information with confidential character is basically divided, from the point of view of the legal nature, in three categories: confidential data, bas...
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