Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: angajatori

Efectuarea pontajului pe baza amprentei. Ingerinţă în viaţa privată
The article aim is to analyze the legislation and jurisprudence regarding the use of biometric data by employers in order to establish the working time and to present which are the legal possibilities available to an employee who does not agree with the use of his biometric data.
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O analiză a cadrului normativ privind registrul general de evidenţa salariaţilor
The general register of employees is a document whose source is found in Law no. 53/2003 on the Labor Code rep., With subsequent amendments and completions and which benefit from a normative framework approved by government decision. This normative framework establishes rights and obligations for both parties of the individual employment contract, so we intend to analyze in certain particular cases, the capacity of the employee and the e...
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Scurt istoric al dialogului social în România
The fact that lately the situations in which employers and employees resort to atypical forms of work have developed more and more urges us to think about what social dialogue means in the context of telework, work at home or temporary work. The essential changes that take place on the labor market and that change the paradigm of the permanent job, organized by the classic employer, determine new content issues in the field of social dia...
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