Aspecte privind rolul muncii digitale in reconcilierea vieții profesionale cu viața privată
Numărul 5 Anul 2021
This study aims to analyze the impact that the technological development has on the plan of working relationships, as well as beyond them, in the private life. Carrying out the professional activity at a distance through the use of information and communication technology implies the free assumption by the employee of the organization of work that departs from the classical form, but the consequences are not always the desired ones. In...
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Considerații privind detașarea judecătorilor pentru desfășurarea activităților în cadrul birourilor electorale
Numărul 2 Anul 2019
The Labor Code regulates the general framework of the assignment institution within the employment relation, which also applies to employment relations governed by special laws, only insofar as they do not contain specific derogating provisions. Concerning judges and prosecutors, we identify in a series of normative acts a form of assignment which represents the exception from the form established in the common law, the Labor Code, and...
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