Aspecte de drept substanţial și de drept procesual privind hărţuirea la locul de muncă
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
Harassment at work is a phenomenon that has been constantly manifested. The normative reflection of this social reality has experienced a certain evolution, being noted, in recent years, a preoccupation of the legislator to significantly complete and detail the regulatory framework for the issue of workplace harassment. The legislative interventions carried out on the Labor Code, Government Ordinance no. 137/2000 on the prevention and ...
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Unde este munca?
Numărul 1 Anul 2022
In the context of the publication of the Government Decision no. 23/2022 on the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity, but especially of the real economic and social situation that Romania is currently facing, the article analyzes the contribution of the Ministry of Labour to the identification of solutions in order to solve the major problems that the labour market...
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Unde este munca?
Numărul 1 Anul 2022
In the context of the publication of the Government Decision no. 23/2022 on the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity, but especially of the real economic and social situation that Romania is currently facing, the article analyzes the contribution of the Ministry of Labour to the identification of solutions in order to solve the major problems that the labour market is facing. Although the ministry...
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Executarea de către angajator a obligaţiei ce-i revine în urma anulării deciziei de concediere și repunerii părţilor în situaţia anterioară
Numărul 4 Anul 2020
The practice of labor relations and the judicial practice in this matter encounter permanent difficulties in connection with the interpretation and application of provisions of labor law. Even if almost 18 years have passed since the entry into force of Law no. 53/2003 – Labor Code, a series of regulatory solutions contained in this normative act, most of which impose obligations on the employer in relation to employees, raises pr...
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Descrierea abaterii disciplinare – condiție esențială de validitate a deciziei de sancționare disciplinară
Numărul 1 Anul 2018
Alongside the labour conflicts referring to the censure of the dismissal decisions, the labour conflicts referring to the disciplinary sanction are frequently met in the courts judicial activity. A significant number of the law suits are solved to the disadvantage of the employer, given that the non-compliance by them, in the moment of the disciplinary decisions’ issuing, with the formal mandatory demands stipulated by the Labour Code.
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