Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: salariu

Încetarea de drept a contractelor de muncă în cazul desființării angajatorului. Aspecte teoretice și practice
In the cases presented below, we aim to analyze the situations in which the legal entity employer can still be held liable for non-payment of salaries after its dissolution. According to the Labor Code, the employment contracts of employed employees terminate by law. Therefore, we consider that the employer can no longer be held responsible for the non-payment of wages after its dissolution, as it is not a question of outstanding wages. The e...
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10 clauze esenţiale cuprinse în noul model-cadru al contractului individual de muncă
The new amendments and completions to the Labour Code brought by the adoption of Law no. 283/2022 required the adoption of a new framework model of the individual employment contract. It was established by the Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity no. 2171/2022 and is made available to employees and employers by publication on the website of the Labour Inspection. For the proper development of labour relations, the parti...
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