Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: lucrători

Formarea profesională și noile tehnologii
The rapidly changing world of work requires educational and training adaptability, and new technologies offer innovative ways to meet this imperative. Vocational training is becoming increasingly necessary to adapt workers to new technologies. Thus, lifelong learning is becoming more and more flexible thanks to new innovations such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Robo...
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Ce este şi cum poate fi folosită inteligenţa artificială (II)
Artificial Intelligence (IA) is a hot topic in technology, which is also present in companies or on the labor market.What is the usefulness of implementing an IA in a company of any kind? What are the issues that may arise targeting the company’s staff or internal networks? How well the company’s workers are prepared to implement such a system? Is the...
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