Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: locuri de muncă

Locurile de muncă în contextul actual al digitalizării
The development of digitization, including artificial intelligence, has increased greatly, especially at a time when the need to protect workers in companies has increased and is more isolated, however, there is a need to continue their work. Artificial intelligence, self-learning algorithms, natural language processing, portable devices, ‘smart’ machines, it already means the future of collaboration between people and technology...
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Importanţa formării profesionale în contextul dezvoltării sistemelor de Inteligenţă Artificială (IA)
Employee training is a necessity on the labor market, not only in Romania, but throughout the world. The employer, according to the Labor Code, is obliged to send the employees to training once every 2 or 3 years depending on the number of employees. He also has the obligation, according to the same Code, as we know, if he has more than 21 employees to work out annually and apply training plans. Artificial Intelligence is, and re...
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